Since the release of Chrome 100, Tridion is showing the error "SDL Tridion Sites has not been tested, and is not guaranteed to work, with the browser you are using".
Why is that?
I think this happens on every version since SDL Web 8.
Since the release of Chrome 100, Tridion is showing the error "SDL Tridion Sites has not been tested, and is not guaranteed to work, with the browser you are using".
Why is that?
I think this happens on every version since SDL Web 8.
Tridion uses regular expressions to validate browser versions. The regex for Chrome does not work with versions above 100. You can change this yourself. Just open the file %TRIDION_HOME%\Web\WebUI\WebRoot\Configuration\System.config, look for the line containing '<browser name="Google Chrome 50+"' and change it to:
<browser name="Google Chrome 50+" regExp="Chrome/([5-9]\d+|\d\d\d+)"/>
While you're at it, also change the line for Firefox (because FF is also approaching the 100 fast):
<browser name="Mozilla Firefox 47+" regExp="Firefox/(4[7-9]|[5-9]\d+|\d\d\d+)" />