I am trying to install Discovery Service. After running installService.ps1 does I'm trying to hit localhost:8082/discovery.svc its showing as follows.

enter image description here

Log file

enter image description here

Am I missing something or are there more steps?

1 Answer 1


This means you're not passing correct credentials to the service (which would be the case when just using a browser).

The security configuration for the discovery service is described in the documentation. IIRC, you can disable authentication to this service, which would allow you to call it from a browser, but OBVIOUSLY this is not recommended in production.

Alternatively, check this guide on how to configure PostMan to talk to Tridion Microservices: https://velmuruganarjunan.wordpress.com/2017/09/02/using-postman-to-explore-sdl-restful-microservices/


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