We have a Tridion 9.6 environment with Access Management and an Identity Provider to connect it to Azure AD for (OpenID) authentication. This is working okay, but since we implemented this, the link between Topology Manager and the content manager is broken. When we try to map a publication to a webapplication in TTM (either through Add-TtmMapping or via the CME), we get this error:
Tridion.TopologyManager.TopologyManagerException: Item of type 'MappingData' can not be saved. Unable to connect to 'net.tcp://localhost:2660' using authentication type 'Windows'. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.CoreServiceFault]: You do not have permission to perform this action.
Our CM environment (what you get when you type get-ttmcmenvironment) looks like this:
CoreServiceRootUrl : net.tcp://localhost:2660
WebsiteRootUrl : http://MYCOMPUTER:80
CoreServiceCredentials : "AuthenticationType":"Windows", "UserName":"MYCOMPUTER\TridionUser", "Password":"********"
Id : dev
ExtensionProperties : {}
It seems simple: TTM is trying to connect with a windows user, but Tridion no longer allows this method of authentication because we enabled access management.
How can we fix this?