I was under the impression that it's possible to inherit from two parent publications that contain items with the same path and title values. I believed that this is allowed because there is a priority setting when configuring blueprinting within the new publication.
From the docs:
If a Child Publication has more than one Parent Publication, you can define priority in the Publication properties BluePrinting tab to determine where the Publication shares an item from.
However i'm trying to implement this in my CME and i'm getting errors when attempting to save the new publication because of matching item names and paths from the parent publications.
The following items cause title conflicts in a child Publication: Component 'test1',Component 'test2',Component ' .. etc'
Note: I've tried to save the publication first with 1 parent, then edit the blueprint structure to add the second publication, but this also causes the same error to be raised.
I suspect this may be by design, but i'm wondering if there is a way around this.