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5 votes
2 answers

Clean the ghost published records

We found more than 15,000 records in table dbo.ITEMS, at broker DB, which belongs to around 10 publications. But the records related component already be deleted from CMS long time ago. So there is no ...
qchen01's user avatar
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Multiple publishes failing with while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_ITEMS_GETPUBLISHITEMS"

We have a - typically intermittent but becoming more common - issue with Tridion publishing. The error appears to be around resolving items and that a stored procedure, EDA_ITEMS_GETPUBLISHITEMS is ...
Dave Forber's user avatar
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2 answers

Database Permissions Required in SQL Server for Tridion Users

Do I need to give sys_admin privilege to any users in the database? It does not seems to be required, please suggest. Also, apart from the MTSUser (COM user), is there any other user for which I ...
Anupam Baksi's user avatar
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Deployment Prepare Commit Phase after restore of CM and Broker databases

After restoring the CM and Broker databases from our production environment any publish action fails with the following: Phase: Deployment Prepare Commit Phase failed, Unable to prepare ...
Neil's user avatar
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Clear-down UGC databases

After some initial tests to make sure everything was OK with a UGC installation I want to clear down all test comments/rating/stats before we hand it over. Is there a "supported" way to does this ...
Neil's user avatar
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Configuring Content manager to use new database running in different machine

Currently we have both Tridion and Content Manager database running on same machine. We have a plan of creating a new database on another machine and linking the current Tridion CM to use new ...
Patan's user avatar
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How do I change the publish state of a page to unpublish state in a structure group recursively

I have raised this question but I want to more specific and explain the complete situation. There are many pages say around 3000. There are many publication targets. Each developer has a target ...
Patan's user avatar
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Database error while saving the page

I am facing some database error while saving the page. I am using SDL Tridion 2011 Sp1 version and using Oracle Database Unable to save Page (tcm:202-12456-64). ORA-01013: user requested ...
Patan's user avatar
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How to take Tridion CM data base back up

I am planning to take content manager Tridion_CM database backup. I am using SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 and my database is MS SQL. Can some one point me the links to do it.
Patan's user avatar
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Problem saving new TBB - Exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

I'm having some problems in an SDL Tridion 2011 Sp 1-2 environment using an oracle DB. I can open, edit and save all item types, except for template building blocks. When doing so the following ...
johnwinter's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Cannot delete publication error: The transaction log for database 'tridion_cm' is full

While trying to delete an old publication, I get the error: The transaction log for database 'tridion_cm' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc ...
Will Price's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Database permissions for DB User in cd_storage_config.xml

In an SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 HR1 implementation, what are the minimum/recommended rights that the #DB_USER# must have. In the documentation (login required) I can see the name of a user who can ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
5 votes
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Tridion 2011 SP1 Recommended Oracle Patch Set Update

Loving this move to StackExchange! I have a question that's probably better suited for Support. But I haven't received a response to my ticket yet, so I'll give it a go here. I'm getting a new ...
Mike Pryma's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

explanation of QUEUE_CONSUMERS and QUEUE_FILTERS tables

Aside from these blog postings: and I can't find details on ...
Warner Soditus's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Getting a database error when publishing a DCP

I have been trying to publish a Dynamic Component Presentation but for some reason it keeps on failing with the following error: A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "...
Kunal's user avatar
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Cannot insert the value NULL into column error

We keep getting the below error repeatedly in the production environment of our application. Error: No data found. [ETA_ITEMS, U] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ITEM_ID', table '...
Keirthana's user avatar
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11 votes
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Workflow Process Histories

In the database, there is a table WFL_PROCESS_HISTORIES - Does the part of the Purge Tool to clear the workflow process histories simply clear down this table, or are other changes made to the ...
Stef Robinson's user avatar