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Questions tagged [monitoring]

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Monitoring deployer service not working in SDL Tridion Sites 9

I'm trying to setup monitoring in SDL Tridion Sites 9. This works fine, except for the deployer service. This one is throwing the following error: 2019-06-06 15:37:56,018 INFO [com.tridion....
Gert de Heul's user avatar
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Monitoring ContentManagerKernel fails in SDL Web 8.5

I have enabled monitoring in SDL Web 8.5 by commenting out the services I would like to monitor. This all works fine except for the ContentManagerKernel. If I enable this one I get the following error:...
Gert de Heul's user avatar
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Is Tridion.ContentManager.Monitoring.dll exist for SDL Tridion 2011

1) Just want to know is Tridion.ContentManager.Monitoring.dll exist for SDL Tridion 2011 as well? If no how can i set it up? 2) If no then how can i set up an internal web service to monitor ...
user36299's user avatar
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Issue with configuring logging on the Content Manager server

I am facing some fundamental issue with configuring logging on the Content Manager server. SDL-2011 SP1 Issue: When i put the log.level="WARN" its creating the log files but with no data into it ...
user36299's user avatar
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Getting Unauthorized Error after configuring the custom HttpServiceHealthMonitor in Tridion Application Monitoring Service

I have created a simple page which will give the "true" status of publishing queue when it is stuck for any reasons for last 15 minutes. Sample code below: protected void Page_Load(object sender, ...
Manoj Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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Sending Email to Configured User Lists if publishing failed more than 100 pages from Monitoring Services

I need a monitoring service configured which will keep monitoring my publishing queue and if publishing queue is more than 100 pages, it will send an email to configured user list about the failure. ...
Manoj Singh's user avatar
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Tridion Monitoring Service Set up Issues in 2009

While setting up the Monitoring service in one of the TCM server, it checks the heartbeats correctly (Tridion services). But, while trying to check different "ServiceHealthMonitor" gives the following ...
Anupam Baksi's user avatar
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How to configure the Tridion Monitoring Service?

cd_monitor_conf.xml contains the entries: <HeartbeatMonitoring ListenerPort="20131" EnableRemoteHeartbeats="true"> <AutomaticServiceRegistration RegistrationFile="RegisteredServices.xml" ...
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12 votes
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How do you monitor the health of the Tridion Services?

I am implementing SDL Tridion on a large corporate network. My client wants to see a demo of how they can monitor the availability/health of the Tridion Services. Can anyone tell me what service can ...
GourmetCMS's user avatar