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7 votes

Is it possible to 'subscribe' to the Cache Cannel and add custom actions

In 2013 SP1 the Cache Channel messages were not a public API, and that hasn't changed yet in Web 8 either. I don't think you can do much with the RMI at all actually, but when you change to JMS there ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it possible to specify your own port number for the cache microservice

I've figured it out. There are two things necessary: Give the service a different name Specify a different port. To do this, edit the installService.ps1 script. Locate the line where the first ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
5 votes

Should I use service caching or activemq caching as part of Web 8 and DD4T 2.1 implementation?

If you are using DD4T caching with ActiveMQ cache invalidation, that allows you to keep DD4T objects cached for a long period (until they get invalidated). However, your application may still be (...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

com.tridion.cache.CacheException: Unable to broadcast event

It's caused by the fact that the CacheEvent class had no serialVersionUUID. Some application servers then generate their own and if they differ between JVMs (which is then usually the case), you get ...
Raimond's user avatar
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3 votes

Cache channel service not working for Web 8.5

When generated Trace level log for micro services like discovery, content and deployer I found that cache channel service is generating logs and working fine. When published a component, I can see log ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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3 votes

Active MQ messages for clean cache in Tridion 10

Tridion Sites 10 introduced a new caching mechanism using Apache Ignite, replacing the old implementation that used the Cache Channel Service and/or Java Messaging Service (JMS). ActiveMQ is now used ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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3 votes

Enable DD4T cache and Tridion Cache Channel service when using DD4T 2.0.5 (Java) and Tridion 2013 SP1

First of all, you will need to setup JMS as your cache invalidation mechanism, as DD4T's caching mechanism does not support listening to RMI. You can read all about that in Quirijn's blog post and the ...
Raimond's user avatar
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2 votes

Can Multiple Deployers use the same Cache Channel Service installed as service on Windows machine

The cache channel service should be shared by the deployer (which sends invalidation messages) and the web applications (which need to be informed of invalidations). So the deployer and the web ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
2 votes

Is RMI based cache invalidation still valid for DD4T 2.0 or only JMS based can be used

There is no invalidation of the DD4T cache in DD4T .NET 2 out of the box. However, DD4T Java has cache invalidation out of the box. The Cache Channel Service will invalidate the Tridion Object Cache ...
Rob Stevenson-Leggett's user avatar
2 votes

SDL Web 8.5 Synchronizing caches using Java Message Service doesn't work with 2 targets

Problem was caused by the RMIChannel Listenerport which is by default enabled in the quickinstall configs (SDL Web 8.5\Content Delivery\resources\quickinstall\config\deployer-combined\deployer-conf....
Gert de Heul's user avatar
2 votes

SDL Web 8.5 Synchronizing caches using Java Message Service doesn't work with 2 targets

The error is a sign of you starting up the CacheChannel service twice on the same port. Did you maybe merge the CCS in your Deployer startup? If you use ActiveMQ JMS, you don't actually need to setup ...
Raimond's user avatar
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2 votes

Cache channel service default port in case of second

You can't have two instances of the service listen on the same port. One will fail. One option is to configure the services to run on separate ports like this: Is it possible to specify your own ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
1 vote

How to make Service Cache publish aware?

You need to configure cache invalidation messaging - see the documentation on this topic: With ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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1 vote

Cache channel service default port in case of second

I have looked at the file available with the Cache channel service installation for the default port in both cases (windows and linux) the service will be reachable on port:`1099`.
Rajesh's user avatar
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1 vote

Is RMI based cache invalidation still valid for DD4T 2.0 or only JMS based can be used

In addition to Rob's answer, in DD4T version 2, the framework does not support RMI. This does not mean you cannot use RMI for invalidation of the Tridion Object Cache in case you have that turned on ...
Raimond's user avatar
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1 vote

Error Starting Standalone Cache Service

Use Regedit and check the following name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\SDLWebCacheService\Parameters\Java If there are spaces in the name of the ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar

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