How to find out who modified publication properties like Publication URL etc.?
Organizational Items don't have version history, Publications and Structure Groups are Organizational Items, so there is no history for them.
Understand probably it is too late, but next time you ...
How to find out who modified publication properties like Publication URL etc.?
There is no 'out of the box' way to get this information, I'm afraid.
If this is a big concern then you could consider:
Locking-down access to the Publication Properties using security (removing ...
Stored procedure failed: SP_PUBLICATIONS_FIND_CONFLICTS ORA-29548:
Seeing your issue and gone through with the link provided, there is a comment by Peter that powershell script could not get completed. Or might be the stored procedure got corrupted somehow. You can ...
Can I use same domain user "DOMAIN\USER1" for both MTS User and Default SDL Web Administrator during CMS Database installation
As Nuno has already commented that you can definitely use the same user for both MTS User and Default Administrator.
Further, this is not mandatory to have your MTS User to have Admin rights.
You may ...
Where to check the underlying database details in Tridion 2013 SP1 CMS server
Tridion.ContentManager.Config contains this information.
The database info is encrypted, follow the steps outlined here to read it.
From the linked article:
To decrypt the configuration file, ...
Where to check the underlying database details in Tridion 2013 SP1 CMS server
The Tridion console is locked to specific users. The user who installed Tridion will have to give permissions to all other users, which can be an issue if the installer is not on the project.
A way ...
Oracle AWS RDS support
The reason why there is no mention in the Web 8 documentation of Oracle on AWS for the Content Manager database, and Content Data Store, is that this combination is not tested and therefore not ...
Stored procedure failed: SP_PUBLICATIONS_FIND_CONFLICTS ORA-29548:
The stored procedure SP_PUBLICATIONS_FIND_CONFLICTS is actually part of the Audience Manager feature. When we ran the Tridion 2013 SP1 installer, we left it checked. For some reason this stored proc ...
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