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7 votes

DXA integration with Azure

As far as your web application (in this case, DXA, though that's not necessarily relevant) is concerned it's just a different place to connect the CD API up to so, yes, I think it would just be a ...
David Forster's user avatar
5 votes

Configuring SignalR message bus for 8.5 install

I had similar errors when until I got the Tridion.ContentManager.config update correct. function Set-SignalRServiceBusEndpoint { <# .SYNOPSIS Update Tridion.ContentManager.config SignalR ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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4 votes

Switching over to another SQL instance

For CD side it is easier, all DB related info is located in cd_storage_conf and deployer-conf files. After update just restart microservices. For CM side it is a little trickier since DB related info ...
Stefan Klasnic's user avatar
3 votes

SDL 8.1 on windows 2012 r2 in azure arc extended support?

SDL Web 8 Cumulative Update 1 (8.1) has already been retired. Extended Security Updates for Windows Server 2012 R2 in Azure does not directly impact Tridion Sites. Since the version of Tridion Sites (...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to install Tridion Databases in Microsoft Azure SQL

You install the databases the same way you would do with a "regular" SQL Server, only this time the server address is of the Azure SQL, for example: & '.\Install Content Manager database.ps1' -...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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3 votes

DXA in the Microsoft Azure marketplace - Content services are not responding, Is it still supported?

There were some problems with the CIS backend used for Azure DXA and an unclear support status which is being addressed. At the point of writing the service is back online again, and we are ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I deploy files from Deployer to Content Delivery server using (S)FTP?

Technically the Deployer is part of Content Delivery, not CM. In the CM there is a Transport Service which sends published files to the Deployer and this can be configured to use FTP or SFTP or other ...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
2 votes

Can I deploy files from Deployer to Content Delivery server using (S)FTP?

OOTB you won't have this. You could write a storage extension to deal with this, but perhaps there's something simpler/cheaper. On premise I've seen tools like RSync and robocopy being used for ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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2 votes

SDL Web 8.5 Cloud based BLOB storage for CD

At this point (8.5) only the CM supports this indeed. For that same use case you're asking about I'm currently designing/building a solution with ECL instead. The file as stored by the CM is ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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2 votes

Azure AD integration & Core service

If the User you are impersonating only has implicit Group memberships (through external Group mappings), then impersonating the user by name only will indeed not work; you don’t tell the system which ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Switching over to another SQL instance

Besides Stefan's answer which covers all the scenarios, if you need to replace just the CM database, you can do it using the SDL Console (MMC snapin) so you don't have to tamper with config files.
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

Unable to Enable Access Management on an existing 9.5 Content Manager Sidebar

Issue resolved after updating manifest.xml as suggested by RWS Support from below path %TRIDION_HOME%\web\SDL\manifests\wcm\manifest.xml below given configuration with Access management URL, restarted ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
1 vote

Error while configuring Access Management with OpenID Connect identity provider

Yes, Rick was correct. Authority for Azure AD<TenentDomian or TenentId> Here is the sample OpenIdConnect Idp provider JSON example, In case if you want to ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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1 vote

Error while configuring Access Management with OpenID Connect identity provider

The Authority for Azure AD is supposed to look like this: So, excluding the /oauth2/v2.0/authorize suffix you have in the URL.
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

How to Install SDL web 8.5 in Microsoft Azure

We use Azure hosted servers all the time, including installing, and there aren't any main differences compared to "regular" installations, especially if you're doing a one-box setup. The prerequisites ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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1 vote

Configuring SignalR message bus for 8.5 install

Here is the Chris's Tridion.ContentManager.config update script for SDL Sites 9. What changed is the $signalrBackplaneHub.assembly. Also see documentation in
Jan H's user avatar
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