I am trying to implement workflow for component content where specific group of user can approve that or not. The Minimum Approval status is set up on the Publication Target which corresponds to the last approval status in workflow. When component finishes the workflow there is status "Ready for Live" (on workflow tab of component) and that status is set as Minimal Approval Status on Publication Target "Live".
During publishing, "Live" Target is available not matter in which status component is.
My assumption was that "Live" Target will be available only if component has "Ready for Live" status or "Undefined".
My assumption was that if component is in workflow, the status should be "Unapproved" when it is in some step in workflow before the real approval status is assigned, but in my case it is "Undefined"
How it is possible to have that status instead of "Unapproved"?
If component is added on the page, should page be also available for publishing if all components added on that page have one of these statuses "Ready for Life" or "Undefined"?