As I know, there are three translation systems of SDL - Translation Manager System, SDL Language Cloud and Worldserver.
Now, I'd like to connect Content Manager Server with translation system. Can we connect with both SDL Language and Worldserver. Taking cost into account, some contents can be translated by Machine Translation so it's no need to send them to Worldserver.
However, when I installed Translation Manager in Content Manager Server, I could only select one translation system type from list(Please refer to the image below). Dose this mean one Content Manager System only can connect to one translation system?
enter image description here
Any information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

  • OOTB, it's only one translation system per CMS. There might be a way to hack it though...
    – Robert Jin
    Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 17:38
  • You can use different translation systems in the same CM, but not in the same publication. The question sounds like you would want to choose the engine per job and that is currently not possible.
    – Nuno Linhares
    Commented Oct 20, 2016 at 13:14

2 Answers 2


Despite the translation system you select in the installer, you can still configure different translation systems in a single Tridion CM, but it will be a single translation system per Blueprint hierarchy.

For instance in the picture below, 200 Content EN is an English source publication configured to use Language Cloud for any of its child publications setup as translation target.

200 Example Content EN is an English source publication configured to use World Server for any of its child publications setup as translation target.

multi translation blueprint

You configure the translation system from the translatrion source publication properties, in the translation tab:

translation options


SDL Language Cloud is enabled by default. So in installer you can just select World Server and you will get both.

If you already installed and want to add World Server to TM - see documentation

It is indeed beter to separate different translation systems in different publications. See previous answer.

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