I'm attempting to remove Workflow from an instance of SDL Web Cloud. Unfortunately, Workflow has only been configured on the Staging/Live environment which limit what I can do.
As a test, I've selected one Schema and unticked the "Any changes made to a Component based on this Schema require approval by a Bundle Workflow Process" which removed the Schema from the Workflow Process Association.
I republished a page with an edited content to the appropriate Target Types. The change reflects fine on the Staging Purpose but Live still has stale data.
Upon further investigation, I found that the Live Purpose has a "Minimal Approval Status" of a custom "Default_Live" which is set from the last step of the current Workflow associated with a Bundle.
Next, I updated the "Minimal Approval Status" to the default "(None)" and once again republished the page in question. The theory will be that the updated content will reflect to Live Purpose.
The latest content is still not reflecting on Live. To ensure it's not cache-related I waited 1 hour and also queried the Content Service through Postman:
The results shows the old content which suggests that it's not caching but publishing.
I wanted to clarify my understanding and hope someone could help:
Is my approach correct/feasible or is there a standard way of doing this?
If so, if a Page contains other Components that are associated to Workflow, will the Page require to go through Workflow first or will it attempt to publish your update (not Workflow associated) content and leave the other Components to use the last approved version?
If there's anything else I can add, please let me know.