I'm experiencing some difficulties with Trigger Type (Smart-Target; "SDL Tridion Sites 9"). When I create a trigger type, and set its value to be string, and pass a claim (as a string), everything works as expected. Similar happens, with numeric values. Therefore, I believe we can assume, that configuration is ok ("cd_ambient_conf.xml" and "smartarget_conf.xml").
The problem occurs with Boolean values. I set trigger type to receive Boolean values. And I pass a Boolean value (from my web-app), as a claim, but the promotion doesn't get triggered...
Samples of PowerShell and C# pieces of code, respectively:
PS C:\> Get-XoTriggerType -id 'id_of_trigger'
Id : id_of_trigger
Name : Title of trigger
UrlParam : trigger_url
BaseType : Boolean
MultiSelect : False
Values : {True, False}
This is my cmdlet, for creating new (Boolean) Trigger type:
PS C:\> new-xoTriggerType -Id 'id_of_trigger' -Name 'Title of trigger' -UrlParam 'trigger_url' -BaseType Boolean -Values True, False
And C#:
new Uri("taf:claim:trigger:url"), true, ClaimValueScope.Session
Did anyone else face such scenario? Or, do I do something wrong?
(Sorry, if I misbehave, I'm still a bit new.)
I've attached a screen-shot.