I am using Tridion 5.3 GA and in CME I am trying to rollback a component from a previous version. (Current Version 20, and trying to rollback from 16). Doing this is resulting me in below error:
Unable to rollback Component (tcm:7-4565-v16).
The title is not unique.
Error Code:
0x8004026D (-2147220883)
Call stack:
The event viewer also has only this entry and no other error/warning/information logged in.
Few other things that I have tried/checked:
- Checked the name of the component has never got changed
- Open both the version of component and compare the entire content and there is no single difference in them
- Tried both the Rollback option (Copy without delete and Copy with deletion of subsequent version) - both result in same error
- Tried with few other components and they are getting rolled back with out any issue - so this is happening with few specific components only
- Tried rolling back from other versions (instead of version 16), but same error.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Further, If I change the name of the component in the publication where it has been created, it let me allow to change but now if I want to even open the component back and try to change its name back to the previous, it does not allow me and say there is a conflict with . All these TCM URI are of this component only with it localized in different child publication. This is weird as this is not inline with BP concept and also, any other component in the same way I can change.