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2 votes
1 answer

Timeout and DB Error while deleting multiple items and unable to un localize item

We recently worked on upgarding Content manager DBfrom Tridion 2013 SP1 to Sites 9.5 and we found following Error A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure EDA_ITEMS_DELETE_82.
Anand N S's user avatar
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Publish binaries without referencing in any component

I would like to un-publish binaries (PDFs) which are not being referenced in any of the component currently. How can I achieve that? please help
Thakur's user avatar
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1 answer

not able to read text field value provided as default value in a parameter Schema in C# TBB

I created one Parameter Schema and added one text field testText, and assigned 9 as the default value for that field in schema. I have assigned this parameter schema to my TBB in CMS. Now i am trying ...
SDLBeginner's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Column behaving differently in content management Tridion 2013 sp1

I have a weird problem in Tridion: I always open Tridion in Chrome. When I access my Folder structure in Tridion I see 4 columns: Name Type From Publication Modified However, since a few weeks, ...
user2628's user avatar
3 votes
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Can we Customize the order of selected values for a multi select Component field?

We have one multi select field in a component, where values are bind with the Category. IT will allow user to select multiple values as check boxes. Once the component got saved the output what we are ...
SDLBeginner's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Group Rights - Cache

I created blueprint in Tridion. Empty Master Content English There is also Group "SpecialUser" At the moment of creation the publication "Content English", this group is not listed ...
Ljiljana Eric's user avatar
3 votes
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Junk Characters displaying on webpage

I am working on Russian and Singapore language sites using Tridion with Dot net code base. There are some junk values displaying for some web pages in Live environment alone. I am unable to see that ...
Keerthana's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How do I configure my web application for Binding with core service?

I am developing a ASP.NET (C#) web application that will run on a Content Manager server which will use Tridion 2013 core service. How should I configure my web application to use core service? ...
Sankar Sengupta's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to retrieve item with id

We have this problem when we open some pages in Tridion and to publish them. Does anyone know what might be the cause? Thanks a lot.
kaiser1871's user avatar
2 votes
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How to retrieve component by specific Schema?

I have a schema id. based on that schema id i want to retrieve all components modified date (created by that schema). How to resolve it?
User 45's user avatar
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3 answers

Content Porter Tool SQL Server/Oracle Issues?

If the source CME is using SQL Server and the target SME is on Oracle, will I anticipate any issues migrating content from SQL server CME to Oracle CME via Content Porter?
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Could not connect to ImportExport service on SDL Tridion Content Manager server <IP address>

I'm in the process of deploying our latest changes to our UAT environment. I'm using SDL Content Porter 2013 SP1 to import my schema changes but every time I try to connect with the server I get an ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
0 votes
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Unable to Publish Page Or Unable to Retrieve Publish Transactions from Publishing Queue

I have deleted few publication targets rows from DB (SQL Server - Tridion_cm Data base) directly (dbo.PUBLICAITON_TARGETS) table, By that time, i have deleted few interlinked transactions (rows) from ...
Jey's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Which should we use to get Publication ID- TcmUri.ContextRepositoryId or TcmUri.PublicationId

I was wondering that we have two properties in TcmUri class - ContextRepositoryId and PublicationId both of these supposedly gives us the Publication ID from a TCM URI passed in the constructor and in ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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Component Presentation Personalization

Can we re-use Context Expression Target Groups for custom personalization? I want to move "personalized" Component containers (Link Lists with metadata) to personalization at a Component Presentation ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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2 answers

Recommended architecture for Tridion installation on cloud

A Tridion document gives a clear picture when installation is to be done on in-house infrastructure. Is there any specific documentation available when installation is to be done on cloud? ...
user1453602's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What should we consider when upgrading from SDL Tridion 2011 to 2013 and putting our non-production environments on the cloud?

Currently we have Tridion 2011 SP1, we are working on an RFP to upgrade to Tridion 2013 an put a portion of it in a cloud environment. As per a brief overview given by client in the RFP, we are ...
user1453602's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to logout from Content Manager Explorer in IE11

By clearing cookies for the domain, I was able to logout from Tridion CME in Chrome/Firefox... But not in IE11.. I have cleared the cookies, also deleted the history etc. but still not able to logout ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
3 votes
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Reading and writing Tridion content

What is the best way to read and write Tridion content programmaticaly? I want to build a migration tool that writes some pages and binary files to Tridion. I was thinking to try out the Content ...
Armand's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting error while creating a new publication

I set up a CMS on AWS environment and after that I created the publication, target groups, schema, components, pages, CT, PT etc. But after creating the first publication I am not able to create any ...
Nash's user avatar
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Migrating Tridion 2011 to Tridion 2013 SP1 with out disturbing existing environment

Needed few clarifications on migrating my existing Tridion 2011 to Tridion 2013 SP1. Firstly we do not want to disturb our existing environment unless we are sure that Tridion SP1 is working fine. So ...
Sam's user avatar
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