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5 votes
1 answer

XPM "Things to do" list and page context

The "Things to do" list in XPM contains a list of workflow activities a user can start/finish: This list can contain components that aren't on the page the user actually has open in XPM at that point ...
0 votes
0 answers

Default Workflow name be changed in Translation job detail page

Web 8.5 Translation jobs detail - general page, the default workflow option will change to a different one after they submit to the next step. This is kind of strange, anyone ever see this error? see ...
4 votes
2 answers

Custom popup in Activities slide out

Is it possible to implement a popup dialog when a content author approves a Bundle Workflow i.e. in Activity dashboard in Tridion, when a content author selects a particular Next Activity in the ...
3 votes
0 answers

CM 8.5 XPM continually prompts for Update Preview when page is in bundle workflow

We have a page with a single component on it, both part of a bundle with workflow associated. When user 1 changes the page metadata via XPM, they get an Update Preview prompt (which I assume is ...
9 votes
0 answers

Unable to delete old workflow process

We are using Web 8.5 and we are trying to delete an old Workflow Process but the Bundle attached to the Process has been removed from the Workflow Instance and deleted. This is now causing the ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to remove a single associated Schema from Workflow?

I'm attempting to remove Workflow from an instance of SDL Web Cloud. Unfortunately, Workflow has only been configured on the Staging/Live environment which limit what I can do. As a test, I've ...
2 votes
1 answer

Component Process + Translation Workflow Process (review)

While playing around with the Translation Review functionality (last heading on the page), I've noticed that you cannot attach both a Components Process + Translation Workflow Process (review) to a ...
5 votes
1 answer

Translation push job from external activity failing

I am trying to trigger a translation job from an external workflow activity on a Web 8.5 instance. When I save the TranslationJobData I get the following error: ERROR Project.Workflow....
5 votes
1 answer

Unable to find Translation Manager TmBinaryEndpoint

I am attempting to automate translation jobs within workflow from Web 8.5. I have based my code on the top answer to this question. I am creating a SessionAwareTmServiceClient within the workflow ...
2 votes
0 answers

XPM automatically selects workflow activity but errors when saving

I've modified the OTB Translation Review workflow to remove the Reject activity: After my translation job comes back from TMS and the workflow enters the Translation Review activity I've opened the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Opening component under workflow displays "Unable to retrieve" error for workflow activity

This appears to be the same issue as Workflow Permissions Block Getting Message - I have a user that can read a bundle and the components within it, but when those components are under workflow (...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I finish all Activities in the Workflow in SDL Web 8.5

I want to finish all the Activities in a Workflow in onetime by clicking the "Finish All" button. Tridion 2011 has this function in Workflow (see the picture). However, I cannot find the same button ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can Workflow be used to restrict the publishing/editing of a Page and its Components on selected Publications?

I have a requirement where we want to restrict the editing or publishing of a Page and its Components for certain Publications. However, we don't want this restriction to be applied to all ...
4 votes
1 answer

Where do we configure "minimum approval status" for a Web 8.5 solution using Topology Manager?

I want to prevent unapproved items publishing to Live. In Tridion 2013 we configure the Publication Target "minimum approval status". We have a new Web 8.5 solution using Topology Manager so we do ...