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7 votes

How to sort GraphQL query results by custom metadata field?

The GraphQL result sorting currently supported the following fields only, It's possible to extend GraphQL extension in sites 9.1. CREATION_DATE INITIAL_PUBLISH_DATE ITEM_ID ITEM_TYPE ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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7 votes

Graphql doesn't retain the order list of component from SDL 9.5

To get the Component Presentations on a Page, There are two different types of component presentations, dynamic and embedded. Embedded templates are used when a component is added to a page and ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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6 votes

GraphQL on templateless page - It doesn't return data on firing query in GraphQL

To fetch the As-is data template less publishing, called “untyped content” from GraphQL: { page(namespaceId: 1, publicationId: 5, pageId: 730) { itemId title url content { ....
Velmurugan's user avatar
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5 votes

GraphQL Query to Fetch all Image Components for a Publication

Try adding a customMeta under the filter section: customMeta: { key: "ishtype.object.value", value: "ISHIllustration" } You may also be able to do this in code, using the Public Content API (PCA) ...
Damian Jewett's user avatar
5 votes

GraphQL does not return titles of categories and keywords

Hotfix is now available for this issue (via FTP or it can be requested from Support as well).
Elena Serghie's user avatar
4 votes

Retrieving Individual Component Fields Using The GraphQL Content Service

Rick already answered to clarified. Indeed!, there is no OOTB way to retrieve individual components fields values of published DCP and page JSON outputs, but It's possible to do a Graph-QL extension ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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4 votes

Graphical IDE to perform queries on the Public Content API 9.1

GraphiQL comes "out of the box" with Tridion. If you can locate your api endpoint, just add /graphiql and you should find that it works. So for example, on my local test setup, the API is at http://cd....
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
4 votes

Get list of pages by structure group path using graphql ApiClient

So assuming your publishing your Structure Group information then this should be stored in the TAXFACETS table alongside other taxonomy information (categories and keywords). The following works: var ...
Neil's user avatar
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4 votes

Geting binary details from a taxonomy query with GraphQL

Not sure if this is helpful, but one way I've retrieved binaries is by first retrieving an "untyped" component (i.e. templateless publishing), and then using the result to find and retrieve ...
Damian Jewett's user avatar
4 votes

How to get nested (linked) Components in fewer requests over GraphQL

You can achieve your goal by using Semantic Content Modelling. Here is a sample query with the corresponding output. Note how I can fetch all the content, including the image details. { page(...
Phil Medcraft's user avatar
3 votes

Can we have PCA GraphQL on WEB 8.5?

Well, I did some PoC in the past on this topic, you can read more about this, and to answer your question YES, you can have PCA api working with WEB 8.5. You need to follow below steps. Create new ...
Hem Kant's user avatar
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3 votes

GraphQL client.executeItemQuery is throwing error

added InputSortParam inputSortParam = new InputSortParam(); inputSortParam.setOrder(SortOrderType.Ascending); inputSortParam.setSortBy(SortFieldType.LAST_PUBLISH_DATE); this fixed the problem. ...
Neetesh Narvaria's user avatar
3 votes

Retrieving Individual Component Fields Using The GraphQL Content Service

Unfortunately, the DD4T JSON (or DXA R2 JSON for that matter) is basically just a blob of text for the Content Service. Indeed, the GraphQL Content Service provides a feature to return JSON content ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

GraphQL does not return titles of categories and keywords

I get similar results in my Sites 9 setup. It could be a bug because I also cannot filter on keyword title, only on keyword key. However you can request the Keyword key to be part of the response: { ...
Philippe Conil's user avatar
3 votes

Geting binary details from a taxonomy query with GraphQL

This is a defect. R&D are working on a fix, at this point I'm waiting for confirmation on what timeline I have and will update the note here with the hotfix number. The only alternative I see at ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
3 votes

How to get metadata fields of Regions/Components in a page using GraphQL?

In the UntypedContent - will not fetch the metadata info. It just holds the page output data, the fact that in the backend metadata is stored separately, and you need to use metadata { metadataField }...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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3 votes

Get List of submaps based on parent map id of Tridion docs[not a root map] using graphql

Understanding Tridion Docs Table of Contents (TOC) in DXD Tridion Docs TOC is stored in DXD as categories and keywords, representing nested levels. In DXD 11.1, there is no dedicated Tridion Docs-...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

GraphQL Query to Fetch all Image Components for a Publication

Saurabh - I believe you can filter on schema ID or Title too? schema: { title: SCHEMA_TITLE }
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
2 votes

GraphQL componentPresentation null issue

There are two different types of component presentations, dynamic and embedded. Embedded templates are used when a component is added to a page and published only in the context of that page. Dynamic ...
Karim Mazzoni's user avatar
2 votes

Does GraphQL work with default variables?

It works for me, I'm able to reproduce this issue my side. if the graphql query used variables in parameters then always expected to send the value of the query variables to be {}. if we pass query ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Graphql query with contextdata throws validation error 'STRING' is not a valid 'ClaimValueType' @ 'page'

Per the error and this example in the documentation, the argument contextData.type probably isn't a valid ClaimValueType. Perhaps you meant type: STRING instead of type:"STRING"?
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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2 votes

Can we have PCA GraphQL on WEB 8.5?

AFAIK - and I can say officially it is not supported and tested, but I can’t think of anything which would break it. this is all unofficial Note: As long as you don’t have SmartTarget in there, as ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Link resolving doesn't use page context for Dynamic Component Presentations

As suggested, Support ticket is indeed required to correct this feature/issue. A possible workaround could be to resolve component links yourself in your application code. This can done as Alvin ...
Shahid Eqamuddin's user avatar
2 votes

Link resolving doesn't use page context for Dynamic Component Presentations

As mentioned, do follow up with Support. For a little more context here is the GraphQL requests to render links documentation that describes how you can also use the contextData argument to control ...
2 votes

Link resolving doesn't use page context for Dynamic Component Presentations

As Alvin correctly points out, there is not currently a componentPresentation root query that takes a page parameter. The nearest would be the items query, which when returning pages, can include the ...
Bengineer's user avatar
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2 votes

KeywordModelData instead of actual keyword returned in PCA query

Your data looks a lot like DXA R2 JSON, so I assume you’re using DXA (TBBs at least)? It also looks like the Categories are marked as publishable, in which case the TBBs will only include the Keyword ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

GraphQL client exception while accessing DXA default website

The error shown in the logs says 'could not locate the root of the configuration'. Could this have anything to do with this (I know it's a different version, but the issue might still apply to 9.1) ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
2 votes

DXA - Get published settings through Graphql

Ended up going a different way. Instead of trying to get the labels/configuration externally, now I'm pushing them from DXA to the consuming applications. Way to obtain the settings within DXA: string ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

Headless content implementation in Tridion 9.5

Running the risk of over-simplifying... Define your content models (on paper, not in Tridion). Translate that to a set of Tridion Schemas that allow for the content to be captured. Work on your ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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2 votes

Headless content implementation in Tridion 9.5

Welcome to StackExchange. It would be great if you can provide information on what you have tried and specific implementation questions, if any. There is no cookie-cutter solution for data-only ...
Shiva's user avatar
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