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5 votes

GraphQL does not return titles of categories and keywords

Hotfix is now available for this issue (via FTP or it can be requested from Support as well).
Elena Serghie's user avatar
5 votes

CIL | Content Service | No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I guess your CIS services run on a different machine than your web application. In that case, it is important that your CIS capabilities are not registered with localhost URLs. The web app will ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Getting a Null Pointer exception while trying to run a DXA Webapp

As Rick mentioned, my Deployer Storage config had these lines: <ItemTypes cached="true" defaultStorageId="reldeployerdb"> <Item cached="true" storageId="relpublishedfiles" typeMapping="...
Reynold Bhatia's user avatar
4 votes

How to query for multiple custom metas using Content Service microservice in Web 8.5?

Example: using log4net; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Tridion.ContentDelivery.DynamicContent.Query; namespace SDL.CIL.Test { internal static class Program { ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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4 votes

CIL | Token Service - Unauthorized Request

The error was the symbol '-' in app.config in keys oauth‐client‐id, and oauth‐client‐secret, it's binary representation was not correct.
MilanaN's user avatar
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3 votes

GraphQL does not return titles of categories and keywords

I get similar results in my Sites 9 setup. It could be a bug because I also cannot filter on keyword title, only on keyword key. However you can request the Keyword key to be part of the response: { ...
Philippe Conil's user avatar
3 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

So I finally figured it out... It was a combination of several things, but long story short, it had to do with my settings having the wrong encoding (assuming you had the rest of the setup correctly). ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
2 votes

DXA 1.8 Java web app looking the VariantId='Y29uZmlnLWJvb3RzdHJhcA' but content service is returning only the VariantId='WyNkZWYjXQ=='

Your question is not clear to me what exactly you're trying to do and what is your expected output. For my understanding, you have upgraded your DXA web app from DXA 1.5 to DXA 1.8 with web-8.5 and ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

I could be wrong, but I believe the v4 was never intended for public use.
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

I'm not sure if it's supported to directly use the v2 or v4 service endpoints. I always thought the CIL libraries know internally which service to use for a specific query.
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
2 votes

How do I Fetch a Component Presentation From the Content Service Using Odata Based on Keyword

After looking through all of the API calls and attempting each one of them to see the kind of results I could get, I determined that this is not possible with the content service's Odata API. Here ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
2 votes

Ambient Data Filter Performance Issue

Answer to your question, yes, Indeed It's expected and executed when a new session starts, onRequestStart at the beginning of each request, onRequestEnd at the ending of each request if ADF enabled, ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Does GraphQL work with default variables?

It works for me, I'm able to reproduce this issue my side. if the graphql query used variables in parameters then always expected to send the value of the query variables to be {}. if we pass query ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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1 vote

Which storage configuration files do you change to update a Content Service endpoint?

It seems this particular error may have been related to something else, either authentication or not restarting the services. In short, to update the URL/URI for the Content Service (when running as ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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1 vote

NumberFormatException in Content Service

SDL Provided a hotfix to us to resolve this issue. The hotfix was: CD_8.5.0.17761 and we confirmed that it resolved our issue.
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
1 vote

NumberFormatException in Content Service

I have seen this type of problem before. In our case the problem was due to schema changes. When a schema metadata field data type has been changed you must update all components using the schema ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the recommended approach when working with applications in different technologies (Java, .net) that need to SHARE the HTML design?

It is a bit of a lame answer perhaps, but since the DXA team is building both the DXA Java and the DXA .NET web application, yes we have some experience with sharing a design. Also looking forward ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the recommended approach when working with applications in different technologies (Java, .net) that need to SHARE the HTML design?

Well, in my opinion the best practice mainly depends on whether you opt for CMS Baked/fried approach. Do you want to maintain the HTML Mark in component template or you just need a reference to the ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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