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6 votes

Target Groups Not Excluding Component Presentations

Bart, your comment was correct. It seemed that the target groups were published, but the extension dao (<Bundle src="storage_extension_dao_bundle.xml" />) wasn't properly set up, and the ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
3 votes

Looking out for personalize folder which can be shared inside

You can implement that requirement to some extent using CM security: create Folders for each User and ensure that initially only that User has Read and Write Permissions on the Folder. In order to ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

tracking using WAI not working

This functionality works on the Sdl Web's Category/keywords. you need to add the "Activate tracking" tbb in the Page template, and add the category for tracking in CT's Tracked Category. check my ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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2 votes

profiling and personalisation using microservice

As far as I know, the (legacy) Personalization & Profiling functionality is not exposed through SDL Web 8 CIL APIs, but only in the (deprecated) in-process APIs. Note that Experience Optimization ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Promotion not getting displayed on webpage using Experience Optimization module for DXA 1.6

OK, let me walk you through the analysis of the artifacts you provided: The JSON reveals two issues: There is no XpmMetadata at all for the ST Region. That explains why Model.GetStartQueryMarkup is ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Implementing Experience Optimization on top of website build in sdl web8.1.1 and DXA 1.6

If you are looking for general information on how Experience Optimization works, you should read the Experience Optimization docs:
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

SDL Web8 with DXA 1.6: How can we implement simplest personalization on a web page created on using SDL Web8 with DXA 1.6

The Personalization and Profiling functionality is considered legacy and is not available in the SDL Web 8 CIL API. You can use conditional Component Presentations based on Context Expressions using ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar

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