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10 votes

Use Core Service to communicate between Tridion 2011 and Web 8.5

Obviously it will depend on what technology you are using for the client. For example in a .NET programme, you could host both the 2011 client and the 8.5 version, but then you'd have to create ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
3 votes

Tridion 2011 SP1 Content Delivery dynamic linking dll version compatibility error

Hi jaindhiraj and welcome to Tridion Stackexchange. The answer is simple enough but probably not the one you were hoping for. Windows Server 2012 is not supported, see HERE. Since everything was ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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3 votes

Tridion CM Usage reporting

As per support - there's nothing out of the box and I don't recall seeing any recent CM-Side extensions to store this data. I guess the 3 starting points you have are: you could analyse the IIS log ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
3 votes

Tridion CM Usage reporting

The Alchemy Webstore of Tridion plug-ins has a plug-in that does just this. It captures this event data into Google Analytics which provides the reporting visualization. Here is the link: http://...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
3 votes

Workflow Designer | The Operation has Timed out

So to fix the issue we did the following: Turned the Tracing off on CMS Server. Our DB was of 2013 version and not in sync with Tridion Version 2013SP1. I don't think it was because of the point 2, ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
3 votes

Upgrade to SDL Web 8

In the documentation ( the answer to your question is specifically addressed: SDL Web supports ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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3 votes

Committing deployment failed when publishing dynamic components

We solved this by dropping down the number of workers for the Deployer to three: <Location Path=".../work" WindowSize="20" Workers="3" Cleanup="true" Interval="15s"/> We think the server ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar
3 votes

DD4T XpmMarkupService Binding Error

We got the same error but fixed it by simply reverting DDT4T.MVC5 NuGet package to version 2.0.8. We are also using Autofac v4.1.0 and Autofac.Mvc5 v 4.0.0 Are there any issues we need to be aware ...
maurocam's user avatar
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2 votes

Remove legacy templates from SDL 2011 SP1 before upgrade to sites 9

To remove legacy templates in SDL Tridion 2011, select the templates in their originating Publication and delete them. Consider creating a Content Porter export or a database backup of the Content ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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2 votes

How to handle custom anchors in DWT?

You seem to have covered most of what's needed. The first point I'd make is that the correct approach will be very much governed by your circumstances. So for example, Will's example where he shows ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
2 votes

SQL Script to clean the history Publication and related items in 2011 SP1 instance

You are probably best speaking to SDL Support about this. They are the only ones who would be able to provide a SQL script that would still leave your implementation fully supported afterwards.
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
2 votes

Not able to add user from LDAP using wizard, it searches user with no result in 2011 SP1

This issue was solved by recycling Content manager from running process. Hope this will help others too. Thanks, Shashi Bhan
Shashi Bhan's user avatar
2 votes

Use Core Service to communicate between Tridion 2011 and Web 8.5

I don't see why not, but you will have to instantiate two clients, one for each of the environments. The reason being different CoreServiceClient.dll-s, different addresses, etc. Once you have the ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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1 vote

Extending the Publish and Transport processes

Mentioned extension points are “semi-public” CM Publisher extension points. This means that these are technically speaking public APIs, but they are intentionally kept a bit under the radar, because ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Workflow Designer | The Operation has Timed out

assuming: you can connect to other environments (this reduces the likelihood of it being Visio or Workflow Plugin related) you have all logs on DEBUG and see nothing other than what you've posted (...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
1 vote

SQL Script to clean the history Publication and related items in 2011 SP1 instance

Consider upgrading to SDL Web 8 (or 2013 SP1). Those versions provide functionality to "decommission" Publication Targets, i.e. to "forget" publish state of items.
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Contacts not loading when user select send a Mailing using Tridion 2011 SP1 Outbound email

Here are some possible reasons you cannot send the Mailing to those Contacts: The Contacts do not have the minimum subscription status selected on the Mailing (e.g. the Mailing requires 'opted-in' ...
Peter Kjaer's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

Problems about migrating Java(Broker API) from Tridion 2011 SP1 to SDL Web 8

On question1: Yes you can change the package to the new package 'com.sdl.web.content.tags.PageLinkHandler'. But please consider using the TLD's the tag handler class itself is not the public API, the ...
Renze de Vries's user avatar
1 vote

Topology Manager installation script can't find Tablespace

Apparently we used the wrong namespace due to the database setup not being default.
Thomas Hendrickx's user avatar
1 vote

DD4T XpmMarkupService Binding Error

That is correct. The type DD4T.Mvc.ViewModels.XPM.XpmMarkupService is not assignable to service DD4T.**MVC**.ViewModels.XPM.IXpmMarkupService but it is assignable to DD4T.**Mvc**.ViewModels.XPM....
Praveen Panwar's user avatar
1 vote

Is it required to build Compound Templates with Tridion 2013 DLL while upgrade?

In January 2008 Tridion R5.3 was released, bringing us the Modular Templating model. From that version onwards backwards compatibility is guaranteed in the Templating model by using .NET policies. ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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