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7 votes

What is the Tridion.TopologyManager.Client endpoint

The easiest way to find out the endpoint URL is to check the Windows environment variable on the CM server using the following PowerShell command: get-item env:tridion_ttm_serviceurl This should give ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
6 votes

Publishing Component Template so it's queryable by oData

You could create a (dummy) Page based on a Page Template which collects and renders the required CT metadata of all CTs (in JSON or XML format). Publishing the metadata of all CTs can be achieved by ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
5 votes

Can we use same OData Webservice instance to serve content from different Brokers

In short: no. You can only bind one database to each service. May I ask why you're using 3 different brokers?
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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5 votes

Optimal way to expose Tridion content to external systems?

Whether creating a REST API over OData is a good option for you, nobody can answer but you I would say. Simply using a REST service is commonly accepted as one of the easier ways for external systems ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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4 votes

Why OData is missing some components with Filter criteria whereas it works fine if also provide the component Id in Query?

Maybe the problem is the number of results of the query. By default the number of results are limited to 25, as it is configured in the cd_webservice_conf.xml <OData> <DefaultTop>25&...
Raúl Escudero's user avatar
4 votes

Web service that queries Broker Database outside of SDL Web 8.5?

You need to connect to Content svc via CIL. Here are a couple links:
Andy Ross's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

So I finally figured it out... It was a combination of several things, but long story short, it had to do with my settings having the wrong encoding (assuming you had the rest of the setup correctly). ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
3 votes

Optimal way to expose Tridion content to external systems?

Update: I see @Bart updated his answer. Here's my update in case someone is looking for info about that specific integration. The Salesforce CMS Connect basic integration expect HTML from whatever ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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2 votes

WebApp Unable to retrieve OAuthToken in DXA 2.0

I figured out the answer to the problem I was having. Actually I had the problem in my /token.svc token expiration time. For example I had expiry time of 3 minutes and when a new call was invoked to ...
Bimals Subedi's user avatar
2 votes

DXA 1.7 Experience Manager: Update Preview OData 403 Forbidden error

My first guess would be that your Preview Service (or Session-enabled Content Service) is not be correctly installed/configured, please note that it has a different cd_ambient_conf.xml than the DXA ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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2 votes

Publishing Component Template so it's queryable by oData

I am posting this as answer, and not as comment to your question because its easier this way. What we did is used TOM.NET API during rendering to extract all meta we need about component templates. ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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2 votes

Update Preview is not working with XPM and DXA

The bindings in my web.xml was what was causing the issue with the ODATA service (a combination of how SSL termination happens in our load balancer and ODATA server). Thanks to Brandon (from SDL ...
Shiva's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

I could be wrong, but I believe the v4 was never intended for public use.
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I successfully query the Content Service using its v4 odata endpoint?

I'm not sure if it's supported to directly use the v2 or v4 service endpoints. I always thought the CIL libraries know internally which service to use for a specific query.
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
2 votes

profiling and personalisation using microservice

As far as I know, the (legacy) Personalization & Profiling functionality is not exposed through SDL Web 8 CIL APIs, but only in the (deprecated) in-process APIs. Note that Experience Optimization ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Junk characters shown in Broker Database DCP publishing in SDL Web 8

I would like to point that content in Broker database is always encoded and it's correctly set as such. Since your Content.svc is returning properly decoded data, it means that problem is not in ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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1 vote

Odata service querying results in special characters

As I was not able to find any direct fix for OData.svc itself, I tried the suggested solution provided in the SDL Web 8 documentation SDL Web 8. I created a reverse proxy url rewrite module which ...
user2166's user avatar
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1 vote

Odata service querying results in special characters

To enable encoding to use the jvm.xml in your Content Delivery services config folder something like: <!-- This file can be used to send application specific JVM arguments. --> <...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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1 vote

OData WebService (java) giving Error Result - Tridion 2013 SP1

Issue Solved: only change in the url. Below are the correct complete urls that works as expected: http://myserver:11090/cd_webservice/odata.svc/ComponentPresentationshttp://myserver:11090/...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
1 vote

ODATA : Query attributes in OData WebService

AFAIK, there is no baseline performance define for odata as it varies based on situation and amount of data odata service serves.So giving some generic guidelines: The main parameters affecting ...
Hiren Kaku's user avatar
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