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Tridion sites10 CMS is not loading

I have installed Tridion access-management and CMS successfully, but CME is not at all loading.Keeps spinning from Authorization.aspx to authorize?client_id to signin-oidc. Authorization.aspx is ...
Gopala Krishna's user avatar
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Tridion Sites10 CME is not loading

I have installed Tridion access-management and CMS successfully, but CME is not at all loading.Keeps spinning from Authorization.aspx to authorize?client_id to signin-oidc. Can anyone please help on ...
user6574's user avatar
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Access published page id based on meta data component's content using graphQL / content service

In SDL Tridion, We would like to get published page IDs on the basis of metadata contents. Let's say the metadata of the page contains "Test" so we would like to fetch all the published page ...
Navneet's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Supported ECL connectors for 8.5

Since Media Manager EOL is December 2020, my question is which ECL connectors are available and supported for 8.5? I know that Bynder is. Are there any others?
Marko Milic's user avatar
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5 votes
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Changing SDL TMS Configuration ID mid-use

Is it possible to change the SDL TMS Configuration ID for a source publication in Tridion "mid-use"? So whats the impact of sending a translation job whilst configured to Configuration ID "A", then ...
Neil's user avatar
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Opening component under workflow displays "Unable to retrieve" error for workflow activity

This appears to be the same issue as Workflow Permissions Block Getting Message - I have a user that can read a bundle and the components within it, but when those components are under workflow (...
Neil's user avatar
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Tridion transforms type HTML Component into iframe

I am using for the first time Tridion and I've noticed while I was trying to create an HTML type Component it was added to the Page as an IFrame. Not sure why this happens, can you help please?
Alinacdn's user avatar
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3 votes
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Load balanced CMs, temporary upload location and sticky sessions

The online docs recommend using a network folder that all CM instances must have write access to, in an outscaled scenario. The path to which is added to the temporaryFolder attribute of the ...
Neil's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adding or removing words from tridion spell checker

What is the right way to add / remove words from Tridion spell checker (company name, terms etc.)? Looking at the default configuration, it looks like we can add a new configuration element to your ...
Shiva's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Pages and Components are not loading after GUI Extension Web 8.1

I have implemented a GUI Extension in Web 8.1 to add new column in DashboardView for last published date. The functionality is working fine but after implementation, when I open CMS Pages and ...
meyank's user avatar
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Tridion RTF Field Content Format

We are having an RTF field and Editors would be pasting small html snippets in it. Finally we are generating Json output using Newtonsoft json ( Serializer. Strangely I have come across an ...
Guest19876's user avatar
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Description of Keyword is empty - Tridion Anguilla framework

I am creating dropdown values for my customization. The attribute 'value' in options is empty "". I am loading the KeywordObj . can anyone help? Here's my code - var keywordObj = $models.getItem(...
Pari's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

SDL 2013 SP1 - XML Error prevents successful save of new component

The Problem is this, we’ve created a schema at a high level (020) in the blueprint called “link.” We’ve also created a category called “URI Classification” in the same publication, but have not ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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How to publish the page in two different locations with two different Page Templates?

I have a Page named PageA created using PageTemplateA in my publicatioN S070. and there is no any child publications to this publication. I am publishing the PageA which is using PageTemplateA,But ...
Target's user avatar
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Tridion publishing triggering both targets

Background: SDL Tridion 2013 Clustered TCM - [2 nodes] / Deployer is using Apache Tomcat Situation: When I publish to a single [non-prod] publishing target, I see my item proceed to publish ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Enable expand/collapse functionality in CME forms for embeddable field sections

I wanted to understand feasibility of implementing expand/collapse functionality in content creation forms in CME for embeddable field sections (sections using embedded schema). By default everything ...
Vipin Kothari's user avatar
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Embedded schema dropdown list with a single keyword value not included in XML

I have a content schema that contains an embedded schema with a text field that is populated from a category: FooSchema | - heading (text field) - offers (embedded schema field) |...
Andy Wilson's user avatar
2 votes
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Publication Icons: Content vs Web

Is there a way to change out icons per publication, lets say for Content vs Web? Reason being, Content Authors could easily recognize the difference from a Content Publication and Web Publication at ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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5 votes
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Hiding SDL Tridion sub folder based on permissions

On a Content Publication - Is there anyway to hide the 'Default Templates' Folder and/or another sub-folder possibly called 'System' Folder under 'Building Blocks' from a folder permissions level? ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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TCM User Access. 401 Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

This is pertaining to SDL Tridion 2013 SP1. We are not using LDAP, instead Active Directory. The userids are appearing in the Trustees table as well as correct privileges in the TCM Admin as System ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I manage multiple content contexts in Experience Manager?

This is a question I've always been asked but never really implemented a solution for it. The scenario is that I have multiple content publications (each division in the company creates content in ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
6 votes
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How to logout from Content Manager Explorer in IE11

By clearing cookies for the domain, I was able to logout from Tridion CME in Chrome/Firefox... But not in IE11.. I have cleared the cookies, also deleted the history etc. but still not able to logout ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
4 votes
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Target Groups based Content

Its mentioned in one of the Post that Target groups are used while sending out the mailings. Unable to personalize content using tracking key in Target Group? Is it possible to use Target groups for ...
user918's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Implementing a Content Model for Tiles

SDL Tridion uses Page Templates, optionally Regions, and Component Presentations (Component + Component Template) to render any markup or output you can program for. I'm looking for a practical way ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Process of Validating components against their schema

From earlier posts I found responses that one of the most common way to validate a content component or keyword, or whatever, is to open the component and try to save it. What is the advised process ...
BVL's user avatar
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Translation Manager - extracting multimedia files or not?

When someone in SDL Tridion UI clicks on "Translate", if the selected component to translate is a multimedia (doc, pdf, etc.) will that actual file data(binary) be trasferred to the TMS for ...
BVL's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

When creating a Schema I am asked for a Root Element Name, what is this?

When creating a new Schema in Tridion there is an entry field called 'Root Element Name'. The default is content but I am not sure what this does.
Richard Hamlyn's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get content of schema dependencies - XSD's like cm_xml_inst.xsd?

I'm trying to figure out how most easily can get a listing of components which does not validate through with their schemas. This can happen if someone adds a new mandatory field to a schema without ...
BVL's user avatar
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8 votes
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Consequences of schema changes - Translation Manager?

One of our Schemas changed, a new metadata field called "Date" was added, as a MANDATORY one (minOccurs=1). - all the components using this schema are missing now the content for this mandatory field....
BVL's user avatar
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9 votes
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Static Id's in Tridion?

Was wondering if there are some predefined static id's in Tridion or not. Type: "Folder" id is "2" Type: "Structure Group" id is "4" Type: "Categories and Keywords" id is empty? Type: "Publication" id ...
BVL's user avatar
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5 votes
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SDL Tridion "demo" account?

I met various people who would like to see the interface, some basic things, component creation, etc. to see how it looks like in real world. I can't show the instance I'm maintaining as it's internal ...
BVL's user avatar
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X-SDL-Tridion-Token in http requests?

What is the meaning of this "token" in header requests going to internal services? Especially interests me the number put into this "token" it doesn't have any meaning, seems like Tridion will ...
BVL's user avatar
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Easy upload/creation bulk of multimedia components from local/content editor's PC or Mac?

What is the easiest way to go and to upload more then 1 images in one place? I noticed a "tool" called PowerTools, I'm not sure that it covers what I'm thinking of: what would interest me is there a ...
BVL's user avatar
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Client-side QA Testing Approaches?

I get this question every few clients: How might a QA team automate parts of testing a Content Manager (Explorer) setup? I've seen Watir with Ruby mentioned with at least SDL Tridion 2009 (it's ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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9 votes
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Anguilla - How to add multiple Component Links

Following this very nice page, I am trying to insert multiple component links in one go through JavaScript: var fieldsBuilder = $display.getView().properties.controls.fieldBuilder; // The Field Type ...
Raimond's user avatar
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