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Dynamic component publish issue in tridion 2013

We are facing an issue while publishing dynamic component from Tridion CME. Error Description : Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC ...
rajesh's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Publishing to Broker database encodes the content [duplicate]

Dynamic content in Tridion_Broker database in table COMPONENT_PRESENTATIONS is encoded when published from SDL Tridion. Things that are manually inserted in that table from SQL Management studio are ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to get the list of TCM ID of a page from all the publications at content delivery?

I need the list of all the references present across all the publications for a page. I am getting this information using PageURLCriteria: PageURLCriteria criteria= new PageURLCriteria("%" + URL, ...
Yash's user avatar
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Tridion Custom metadata for datetime mandatory field is updating as null during siteedit

I have an article schema which have two metadata fields- 1. Published_date | field type - Datetime (mandatory) 2. tags | field type - Text whenever content editor edit/update ...
swati sundar's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Deadlock occurs in broker database while publishing

I am getting deadlock in my broker database(Oracle based) while publishing lot of components/pages in my production environment. The deadlocks occurs in the following statement: update TAXFACETS set ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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Relationship between PAGE and PAGE_CONTENT

I was going through the database schema of Tridion Broker database. Is there any specific reason for PAGE_ID in PAGE_CONTENT table not being a foreign associated to ITEM_REFERENCE_ID in PAGE table. As ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
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Customize the storage configuration retrieval

In our current setup, we install the Deployer as a Java application on our OTAP servers. The T and P environments both have Staging and Live targets. Our infrastructure is setup in such a way that the ...
Para Jaco's user avatar
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Random LockAcquisitionException errors when publishing large number of pages

In our development env, we have a single Tridion 2013 installation, with only 2 threads for rendering and 2 threads for deploying configured. Storage is a SQL Server 2008R2 database. Our Deployer runs ...
Para Jaco's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can a broker query have a "contains" condition?

I would like to get all DCP's in which components have metadata City that contains word "New". This should return "New York", "New Mexico", "New Hampshire" ... With OData, this is easy: odata.svc/...
user3760419's user avatar
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6 votes
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Storing images in broker DB

Current setup: I have a image stored in multimedia component. Multimedia component is linked from component A. Component A is published with dynamic CT (Language REL) to broker DB. Storage ...
user3760419's user avatar
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Resolving TCDL tags from dynamic component presentations

I have the following setup: Two component templates: CT Commercial, CT Commercial block, both dynamic and set to REL. Commercial is a simple component with title and text. Commercial block has a ...
user3760419's user avatar
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Database exception on Session Broker database for Experience Manager on Tridion 2013 SP1

I'm having difficulties getting Experience Manager working on Tridion 2013 SP1. I have checked against the quick start documentation for Tridion and Experience manager, ensuring I've met each point. ...
Charlie's user avatar
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3 votes
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Exporting Binary items from Broker database - Tridion 2013 SP1

I have some issues with the original implementation of Binary file storage being placed in the Broker database. In a recent deployment we decided to utilize File system storage in favour of ...
Martin Herbert's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to get a list of all the Component Links for a given Component Presentation with Content Delivery

I have a use case where I need to get a list of all the component links for a given component on the CD side. The reason for this is that I need to track all the pages that the component is on. My ...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
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Last published date in Items table in Broker Database

I want to know where we are setting last published date in Broker Database in tridion 2013. Are we setting this in some Tridion DLL or Date.Now in stored procedure.
Jitender sharma's user avatar
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dcps are published as uncoded characters tridion 2013 broker [duplicate]

After upgrading broker from 2009 to 2013 SP1. When we publish DCP, content is going to Component Presentation table as wierd chinese like characters? Any quick observation what could have gone wrong ...
dp2131313's user avatar
5 votes
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Different Behavior (about Sort order) between the DCP published by clicking Finish Editing on XPM and the DCP published on CME

I'm implementing functionality in SDL Tridion 2013 where the user is able to utilise a filter which in turn queries the broker for matching criteria and then returns the Component Presentations sorted ...
Arai Yuhei's user avatar
3 votes
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Retrieving Keyword by key and taxonomy using Broker Java API

I would like to retrieve the Keyword description using the Broker API for Java. I know the Taxonomy ID and the the Keyword key value. Which would be the best option to do that? We are using SDL ...
tfinez's user avatar
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6 votes
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Publishing page on CME is different from that on XPM about default publishing rules for pages. Is it design?

I'm trying to confirm a page publishing behavior on XPM and CME. Setup: Dummy Schema (which have no schema fields.) News Schema News Summary Component Template (CT) with both set: Published as a ...
Arai Yuhei's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Component Presentations in SQL 2012 DB shows up as a different encoding with 2013

I'm publishing Component Presentations to the Content Delivery DB and it shows up as a different encoding only in the content field of the COMPONENT_PRESENTATIONS table. The content field in the ...
Piti Itharat's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Removing the broker

We would like to get rid of the Tridion Broker as part of a project and publish content directly to a repository as part of a Storage Extension. My question is, is there any deep dependency that ...
mpaton's user avatar
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