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7 votes

Is it mandatory to use the STUB schema, installed by DXA Media Manager Module?

No you don't have to use the Media Manager ECL Stub Schema provided as part of the DXA Media Manager Module, as long as you ensure that the Schema title is exactly the same (it's the default title for ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
7 votes

Clicking Back Button on browser returns JSON Model of page

This is browser specific Cache issue, Add "Vary: Accept" to the response header and try to replicate your issue. I had resolved similar issue with above setting.
Raj Kumar's user avatar
  • 5,867
6 votes

DXA Java 1.5 on Web 8.1.1 | Localization not found error when browsing homepage

You are requesting You have your BaseUrls set as http://localhost:8080 Add a Base URL of You can add a BaseURL with the Powershell command (assuming ...
Chris Morgan's user avatar
  • 7,327
6 votes

DXA Failing to Map Images

Thanks to Rick's comment above we looked into our code. Somehow we pulled the wrong version of DXA (we were working on 1.1) when we added a custom area. After updating our code base to 1.5 and then ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
6 votes

Why do entities which have embedded objects need semantic markup?

I think the problem is in the field name; the implicit mapping assumes that when a List-type property name is plural (e.g. buttons), the associated field name in CM is singular (e.g. button). It ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
6 votes

How to redirect to a static (present in file system) 404 error page in DXA 1.5 Java instead of error-404.html

In case of 404 exception DXA indeed resolves a page error-404 and shows it. Such a case is handled by @ExceptionHandler(NotFoundException.class) annotation in PageController. I don't see any way how ...
Alexey's user avatar
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5 votes

DXA 1.5 TBBs do not output Multimedia Component Field - External Url, recursively

DXA follows the behavior that SDL Web (or Tridion if you will) delivers, when using an External URL in a Multimedia Component, at Publish time, the content of the External URL is fetched and published ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
5 votes

How to map Model for a Schema, which has multiple value Component link field with multiple allowed Schemas?

As Rick mentioned, you can implement support for multiple schemas in component link by creating your own abstract base class, from which your different model types will inherit. There are couple of ...
Stan Kroshchenko's user avatar
5 votes

How to remove the HTML content from a Page when Region is used in DXA 1.5 Java?

As Bart says, DXA in general is designed to generate HTML, but in your case particularly the use of the dxa:region tag causes issues. You could let the Page View output the content from the "Code ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
5 votes

Error in cd_client.log file for DXA 1.5 Application

The error is not specific to DXA; it occurs in the Ambient Data Framework. Looking at the Stack Trace, it seems that there is some claim with an unexpected type (HttpResponseStream ?!) which cannot ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
5 votes

Context Service giving Interim Errors

Please check the following Please check the folder structure of context service installed with installation media (all files and folder) and see if there is anything is missing. Also check the ...
Hem Kant's user avatar
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5 votes

after DXA upgrade from 1.5 to 1.8 for Sites 9.1, Application showing 500 internal server error

That seems like the template you are using to publish such page is not using the DD4T Template Building Blocks or the format it uses to generate the output is incorrect. Double check the TBBs within ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
4 votes

TokenService: Token expired message after a couple of minutes

Apparently the VM's time was running slow, it was 5 minutes behind, so the token was already expired.
MrSnowflake's user avatar
4 votes

Accesssing fields inside embedded Schema from JSP

You have to ensure that your embedded View Models (class Link in this case) are also registered. See
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Abstract model property mapping throws exception

There is only one "problem" in your implementation, which the error message is pointing out: The type must be String or a subclass of EntityModel. In your case, you are using class EntityModel itself....
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

How to route a request to a static html file in DXA Java 1.5

SDL DXA, out of the box, has a PageController with the following Request Mapping @RequestMapping(value = "/**", produces = {MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE, MediaType.ALL_VALUE}) This is handling ALL ...
Chris Morgan's user avatar
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4 votes

Using regions inside of included Pages

Region names are normally unqualified (e.g. just "Header" instead of "Toerisme:Header"). Furthermore, for include Pages, the (unqualified) Region Name and (qualified) Region View Name is derived from ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Accessing pdf as a Component using url

A pdf is also a multimedia item except it doesn't render on any page like images. If you place url of any pdf on any link or anchor tag, on link click it will automatically download that pdf file. DXA ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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4 votes

Accessing the EntityModel values in Page Template

The Page View has access to the Page Model, which contains the Region Models, which in turn contain the Entity Models. That means that a Page View has direct access to al the Entity Models on the ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Assets published to File System not loading, gives 404

DXA expects multimedia files published in Database. You can see this instruction at SDL Docs Url ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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4 votes

How to set timeout value for Content service?

As per best of my knowledge, there is no configuration available in the DXA framework to configure timeout of any request. You may do it using standard http request time out setting(code may vary for ....
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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4 votes

How to remove the HTML content from a Page when Region is used in DXA 1.5 Java?

It is a known issue that when you are trying to use empty Region views, you will get an additional <html>, <head> and <body> tag generated, see
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

How can we set "Staging" value to False in _all.json file from CMS?

In SDL Web 8.x, using Topology Manager, DXA will check if XPM is enabled by checking the Discovery service. So, if you have registered the microservices needed for XPM for your specific purpose or not,...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
3 votes

Context Service failing to start on Production Environment

We had to follow the below steps in order to resolve the issue. Ensure that the IP address of the machine on which you wish to set up the device database is on the white list managed by SDL. When ...
Sharad Kumar Sangal's user avatar
3 votes

Accessing pdf as a Component using url

DXA assumes that Binaries (Media Items) are published under the "Multimedia URL" as configured on the CM Publication. This will happen if you publish the Binaries without specifying a StructureGroup. ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

(DXA) Resolve Tcm Uri to url

Yes, there is. You can use the DXA LinkResolver abstraction for that purpose. You can get access to this Link Resolver in your own Controller using Spring's Dependency Injection. See, for example: ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

Slow images on DXA .NET 1.5

This is weird and we don't see this effect in our DXA Load Test (which we run nightly); we get total response times (Page + embedded resources like images) of approx. 50 ms, so not more than a few ms ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

Component link in RTF not resolving in DXA1.5

Kudos for your analysis! I agree that your modified XPath is the right one and, frankly, I don't quite understand why the current XPath also works in many situations (we do include this in our tests). ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

Problem using XPM to edit image

Interesting... indeed, the problem seems to be that you get a -v0 TCM URI of a Component to be resolved and AbstractTridionLinkResolver contains very primitive TCM URI parsing logic, which tries to ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

DXA 1.5 Search Integration Amazon

That is weird. The baseModelType is obtained from the View Model Registry (the MVC data of the CT is resolved to a View Model Type), but is not expected to ever be null; in case the View Model Type ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar

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