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11 votes

Not able to find builder for capability: TokenServiceCapability

The issue was I had Java 9 installed and Web 8.5 only supports Java 8. Just removed Java 9 and installed Java 8 and it worked fine.
Reynold Bhatia's user avatar
7 votes

Scalling out Discovery Service

If you want to create two separate CD Environments (with their own set of microservices, incl. Discovery Service), they need to have separate databases. If you want to minimize the number of ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
7 votes

SDL 8.5 Content Delivery (CIS)

For the environment you are explaining, it seems that you are using the same discovery database for all the groups. AFAIK all the discovery services, are part of a content delivery envireonment, and ...
Raúl Escudero's user avatar
7 votes

DD4T webapp using discovery service gets 'invalid_grant'

Using Fiddler I found out that the TokenService was registered on the localhost domain. That's why the webapplication (which was running on my local machine) couldn't access the TokenService on the ...
Peter van der Lugt's user avatar
6 votes

Unable to register mirrored Deployer Capabilities

I dug into the code and it appears as though while it says the DestinationName is optional, I was getting a null pointer in the code on it. DestinationName The name of this particular Capability ...
Josh Hebb's user avatar
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6 votes

Update Discovery Service endpoint in Topology Manager

If the URL of your Discovery Service changes, you can use the Set-TtmCdEnvironment cmdlet to update the URL in Topology Manager. No need to destroy things. :-) BTW: publish state is still stored in ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to use the same database for 3 different Discovery Services?

It's not I'm afraid. If your Discovery Services (and associated Microservices) were on three separate servers, then you could use the 'localhost' workaround described by Quirijn here: USING SDL’S ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
5 votes

Discovery Service 'discovery-registration' command fails by Unable to obtain OAuth token

I was having a similar issue in a Windows environment with SDL Web 8.1.1. What got me past the error was removing these two attributes from the ConfigRepository element in the cd_storage_conf.xml I ...
Damian Jewett's user avatar
4 votes

CIL | Token Service - Unauthorized Request

The error was the symbol '-' in app.config in keys oauth‐client‐id, and oauth‐client‐secret, it's binary representation was not correct.
MilanaN's user avatar
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4 votes

Sharing Tridion content with Third party application

As Nuno commented, you can still get access to the raw data using the (public) OData V2 endpoint (CIS Content Service). Alternatively, you can get access to your DXA View Model data formatted as JSON ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

I want to create new database for the Discovery Service

As mentioned in the documentation (, you can use PowerShell, and depending on your database ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

How to configure discovery and deployer microservice in Active/Passive (fail-over) High Availability architecture

Refer to the SDL documentation on Scaling Content Delivery here
Chris Morgan's user avatar
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4 votes

Single-machine install and capabilites

If you are using the quickinstall.ps1 powershell script for CD installation, then use the -auto-register switch as mentioned by Nuno. In case you have done the installation without this switch, then ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
  • 15.9k
4 votes

Cannot add a new Topology Manager Mapping

Sync-TtmCdEnvironment is the best way to fix it. make sure discovery.svc is accessible from your CMS
Vikas Kumar's user avatar
3 votes

Implementation options to consume SDL 8.5 Content Service in Java webapplication:

Your web application uses a client library (think of it as a "SDK") which talks to the webservices. The Web Application and the Web Services can scale independently of each other. You don't need ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k
3 votes

Sync-TtmCdEnvironment / Enable-TtmCdEnvironment {"error":"invalid_grant"} Error

CMEnvironmentId needs to be the same across all scaled out instances. Even if their roles are different like the coreservice, publisher, workflow agent. The CMEnvironmentId is kept the same using the ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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3 votes

Discovery Service Won't Start

I had a similar problem and got the same initial PowerShell error message: WARNING: TCP connect to localhost:8082 failed WARNING: TCP connect to localhost:8082 failed WARNING: TCP connect to ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
2 votes

How many Discovery Service DB is required on clustered Web environment?

For any service goes: scaling out means running multiple instances of the service against the same database. AFAIK, the discovery-registration.jar connects to the Discovery Service configured in ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to unmarshal DeployerCapability property: strategy

We need to use 8.5 discovery registration tool against 8.5 discovery service. In 8.5, Deployer capability entity has additional configuration point (strategy) which is used to configure multiple ...
vinayknl's user avatar
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2 votes

localization not found error in load balanced environment

If you are using a Load Balancer between your CIL (which is used by DXA) and the CIS (microservices), you must ensure that all Capabilities (at least Token, Content and Context) are registered with ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

SDL Tridion Sites 9 Discovery Service does not start

On the general principle that root causes are usually to be found lower down in the stack trace, I would start with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: antlr/CharScanner This probably indicates that the ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
2 votes

Publishing larger items stuck at transporting phase for long time and getting failed

Seems to look like still your package size still larger than 100MB Try following steps to troubleshoot to fix: Content Manager Capture that Large published transport package item by Modify your ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting this error while hitting discovery.svc in browser

This means you're not passing correct credentials to the service (which would be the case when just using a browser). The security configuration for the discovery service is described in the ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k
1 vote

Which storage configuration files do you change to update a Content Service endpoint?

It seems this particular error may have been related to something else, either authentication or not restarting the services. In short, to update the URL/URI for the Content Service (when running as ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
  • 12.8k
1 vote

failed to load assembly in web 8.5 tridion migration from 2013 sp1

Here's few things you can try: Check your Post Build event to make sure no Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll file is being copied manually to bin folder. Make sure other packages don't have dependency to ...
k951's user avatar
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1 vote

SDL Tridion Sites 9 Discovery Service does not start

Seems the antlr-2.7.7.jar in discovery\services\discovery-service was corrupted. After replacing the jar, the discovery service was able to startup.
Gert de Heul's user avatar
1 vote

Publishing larger items stuck at transporting phase for long time and getting failed

Publishing was failing due to the following reasons: The page path, file name was too long due to that page was failing, I didn't change that path/file name of the page in the CMS, but shorten the ...
k951's user avatar
  • 326
1 vote

No value found in the database for a non-nullable property: 'id'

I never saw this issue previously, seems to look like discovery registration something wrong. Looks like your discovery service endpoint earlier registered as http://localhost:8082/token.svc and ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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1 vote

Tokenservice Capability Not Found Error While registering discovery service

The actual error in the above issue is "Path not allowed" and not the INFO message which says "TokenServiceCapability not found". It looks like you had discovery service with "OAuthEnabled=false" and ...
vinayknl's user avatar
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1 vote

Discovery Service Won't Start

I had issues because of following reasons. Port was not opened on the server Incorrect version of java Lately when i unzipped my services, i forgot to unblock it from properties. License was not ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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