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9 votes

Error message for non-existent folder when trying to create new page in XPM

It might be one the components on the page type that is causing the issue. Are there any predefined components defined on your page type? If you open up the page type in CME and check the component ...
Niclas Cedermalm's user avatar
8 votes

Web 8.5 - Experience Manager Boostrap URL pointing to localhost, how to change to actual website url?

This URL is derived from your CmEnvironment as it is defined in the Topology Manager Database. By running the Powershell script "Get-TtmCmEnvironment" you can see the current environment. By running ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
6 votes

How to send XPM preview-session-token cookie to Session Content Service?

ADF is required for XPM Session Preview. You will also have to configure the XPM Session Token as forwarded claim in cd_ambient_conf.xml.
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
6 votes

RenderComponentField function in dream weaver template is not working in Web 8.5

As you can see in the TOM.NET Programmers Reference Guide the function Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Expression.BuiltInFunctions.RenderComponentField is marked as obsolete. They suggest to use ...
Diego Rodríguez's user avatar
6 votes

DXA 2 CTP2 XPM issue

After some debugging, and with Alexey's comment, I managed to solve this. The key is to disable the cache of the DXA Model Service in the cd_client_conf.xml like this CacheEnabled="false" <?xml ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
6 votes

Can the preview-session-token cookie be used to detect XPM in DXA?

Your assumption is correct. The preview token is only set after Update Preview is clicked. It's always been this way. Not this cookie no. It's set by the XPM client when it retrieves a result back ...
Raimond's user avatar
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5 votes

Edit Rich Text field inside Experience Manager directly

SDL Web 8 (including 8.5) currently does not support adding anything other than images directly into a Rich Text field. Adding support for YouTube videos can however be done through using an ECL ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
5 votes

Notification for the publisher when content is not up to date in XPM

Your question is: Is there some setting that we am missing which would overcome the above scenario? The answer to that simply is: Yes you missed setting up Session Preview, i.e. you deliberately ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
5 votes

Detect CME or XPM with Anguilla

I have found the solution: $display.getWindow().$config.CurrentEditor It returns: "CME" or "SiteEdit". Hope it helps!
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
5 votes

Extend NewContent.aspx window in Experience Manager

You can extend pretty much anything using the GUI extension. For the scenario you described above, in your GUI extension, instead of extending commands through the config file, you can capture/extend ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
5 votes

How can I generate XpmMetadata so that linked components are editable

Let me start with making one thing clear (I gather you know it already, but just for the sake of others coming across this question), what we are doing here is a hack to make linked Components ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
5 votes

Why Experience Manager need to be installed for the DXA?

Experience Manager doesn’t have to be installed, but DXA has built-in support for XPM. This obviously won’t work if you don’t install XPM. But, again, it is perfectly possible to use DXA without XPM.
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Update preview always shows warning on DD4T 2 / Java / Web8

The problem, as it turns out, is a missing instruction in the SDL documentation. I had recently upgraded from SDL Web 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 (aka the Cumulative Update 1). I followed the instructions on how ...
Quirijn's user avatar
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4 votes

Implementing Experience Manager in SDL Web 8

It's very difficult to get to the bottom of your specific issue without further details. However, with regards to your question about configuring Target Types: I found information about XPM in SDL ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
4 votes

Using DXA to test XPM infrastructure

I like seeing DXA being used for System Testing purposes; we're doing that ourselves (within SDL Web DevOps) too nowadays! I think you've come up with a good set of test cases already. In ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Anguilla Framework in XPM

Basically the Anguilla Framework is for the CME and for XPM, see also my answer here: How to integrate my custom button into Experience Manager What you need to do is specify in your Editor and/or ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

How can we set "Staging" value to False in _all.json file from CMS?

In SDL Web 8.x, using Topology Manager, DXA will check if XPM is enabled by checking the Discovery service. So, if you have registered the microservices needed for XPM for your specific purpose or not,...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
4 votes

Tridion Experience Manager Loads New Pages as HTTP instead of HTTPS

You mentioned “Topology Manager shows the sites as both HTTP and HTTPS” (technically speaking: the Websites have multiple Base URLs). The question is: which one is first? The first Base URL of a ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

How can I generate XpmMetadata so that linked components are editable

Let me elaborate Bart's statement that "this is a hack to maked linked Components editable in XPM"... Note that XPM currently doesn't fully support editable linked Components. This is visible from ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

XPM - Inline Editing BluePrint Context settings behavior

@Rick gives the context on why Experience Manager has the context setting. I'll add a little more at the end of this answer. Except for shared items that are owned in the same "context" ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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3 votes

What services do I need to use Experience Manager without Session Preview?

When you turn of Session Preview, XPM behaves very much like SiteEdit (anyone remember SE?). The XPM user interface, which actually runs on the CM side, will use the XPM tags in the markup of the ...
Jeroen Suurd's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I improve the performance of core service files loading in XPM?

Which version are you running? There's no magic performance=high setting for any of these services, you need to improve the process as a whole. For instance, they may be taking too long to read ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k
3 votes

Problem using XPM to edit image

Interesting... indeed, the problem seems to be that you get a -v0 TCM URI of a Component to be resolved and AbstractTridionLinkResolver contains very primitive TCM URI parsing logic, which tries to ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
3 votes

Notification for the publisher when content is not up to date in XPM

One idea would be to implement a 'soft' notification system where somebody could get notified if a Global Component is modified and also published in any site. (ie. it's ready for prime time). The ...
robrtc's user avatar
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3 votes

How to add XPM tags for component linked field and embedded fields in DXA 1.2

You need to add the DXAPropertyMarkup in the right place. As you are using multiple linked component field, so I will suggest you to add markup in the div immediately after the for loop - it will be ...
Sayantan Basu's user avatar
3 votes

Update Preview in XPM - IE issue

This can happen if you haven't added an se_blank.html file to your website. In IE it probably loaded an error page from a different domain then (when you have "friendly error messages" turned on) ...
Peter Kjaer's user avatar
  • 19.8k
3 votes

Possible issue in XPM Drag and Drop

The problem you are encountering is that your Component Presentation (the combination of a Component and a Component Template) is not unique on the Page, and thus XPM doesn't have anything to uniquely ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

Criteria to paint vertical lines or horizontal lines in XPM

XPM borders are drawn around Component Presentations based on the HTML element in which the Start Component Presentation markup is specified. Take for example the following HTML: <div> <...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

When I click on XPM button its goes to XPM (site edit) mode in SDL web 8.5 but the fields are not editable

Try following steps to resolving this issue. Ensure "Enable inline editing for Page" TBB added in your page template using template builder and then on the right, select SiteEdit Editor URL and set ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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3 votes

XPM in SDL web 8.5 with Razor Mediator

AFAIK - Question1: my question is whether the same IsSiteEditEnabled Razor mediator built-in function will work for SDL web 8.5 Answers: Yes. if you are using the legacy publishing target and ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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