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8 votes

Not able to find the "TcmTemplateDebugHost" process in Attach process, Even we run the Template builder

In order to debug against the "TcmTemplateDebugHost" locally, you need to setup Remote Debugging (link below). If you have access to the CM server itself, you can also run Template Builder on the CM ...
Josh Hebb's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't install Template Builder

For this, you need to understand the technology behind this. The Installation of Templates Builder, Content Porter etc. from the Menu of CME is done through ClickOnce installer (which will check for ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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5 votes

Unable to debug Merged .NET assembly Template Building Blocks

Thanks all for the answers and comments. But it was a silly mistake from my side, So to upload the DLL (and other TBBs) in Tridon I was using the command below TcmUploadAssembly.exe config.xml "...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
5 votes

Template Builder has stopped working

If this happens as soon as it starts, it suggests that there is a problem with the ClickOnce application. I've seen this most often when people have used Firefox or Chrome to install Template Builder. ...
Peter Kjaer's user avatar
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4 votes

Template Builder in Mac

Unfortunately not. As mentioned on the Template Builder prerequisites page of the online docs, only Windows client machines are supported. This is probably because the full .Net Framework (v4.6.2 or ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
3 votes

2013 Template builder error (SoapException - security level)

According to this, you are "probably running your application in a trust-level that is too low." Googling for "application trust level" will probably give you some tips. You could also try opening ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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3 votes

"Enable Inline Editing for Page" is not modifying the package's Output item on Web 8.5 for XPM

To summarize the issue and fix: The default [Publication]\Building Blocks\Default Templates\Tridion.SiteEdit.Templating (TBB) C# Assembly Template broken. It seems that the template builder upgrade ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Core services, Content Porter, Template Builder access after installing Access Management

In the Tridion Sites 9.5 Access Management works with Classic Content Manager Explorer and Experience Manager. It does not work with the desktop clients, Template Builder and Content Porter, nor with ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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2 votes

Event code error - only in Template Builder

If you run/debug a Template in Template Builder, it will be executed on the CM Server in a process called TcmTemplateDebugHost. This process hosts the entire CM Kernel, including all configured ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Event code error - only in Template Builder

In the application, there is also RedSharp. It seems that, although the version of **Log4Net* in the app and used by RedSharp is the same - there's some odd conflict and rather than falling over on ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to debug Merged .NET assembly Template Building Blocks

Yes, that is the point. You are trying to remotely debug one dll, but in fact you have another one uploaded (if ita merged via ilmerge, its different dll, has different signature). So, to answer why ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't install Template Builder

Template Builder has the following prerequisites requirements: Template Builder runs on any Microsoft Windows release supported by the Content Manager Explorer client. .NET Framework Template ...
Velmurugan's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to connect to Template Builder : Upgrade from Tridion 2011 to Web8.5

Bundle Schemas are not necessary for creating Bundles, they are instead used for defining a Process Definition for Workflow, etc. I wonder why are they even mentioned in the error message, do you have ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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1 vote

Errors with extending DD4T.Templates.Base

Looking at the stack trace, I would say it fails somewhere in the following code So I would ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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