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9 votes

TOM.NET API - create Session in custom Translation Manager event handler

There are two things you can do. First If it is sufficient or preferable for you to get AddedItems during complete event They are available but not loaded. Use ITranslationJob.LoadState ...
Yuri Bondarchuk's user avatar
6 votes

Upgrade TOM API function : GetListMultimediaTypes into Web 8.5 Core Service function

Let me try to understand what you need to achieve. According to TOM.NET API documentation, GetListMultimediaTypes is used to retrieve all multimedia types defined in system (.jpg, .png, .doc....) So,...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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6 votes

Reading Tridion Items During Event System Extension Initialization

Instantiating Session object in the constructor of ES doesn't work from version 8 and beyond. We had this issue when we did the upgrade from 2013 to 8.5. So what we did is moved it to all event ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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5 votes

Identifiableobject Xml Missing Node Info in Web 8.5 While It Exists in 2013 SP1

Apparently when you pass a Publication object to a function that takes in an IdentifiableObject GetXXX(IdentifiableObject identifiableObject), the identifiableObject's XML will have less information ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
5 votes

Set content in Multi-valued text field

You should use .Values property instead of .Value .Values property is always available if field is multi-value. You can have something like this: foreach (ItemField field in metadataFields) ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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5 votes

How to update Component link -> embedded Component field value using TOM.NET Event System

It looks like you are trying to save innerFields as Component content. But isn't componentFields actual content of Component? Also, please make notice that you are trying to do this in Event System. ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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4 votes

Error on Publishing ECL Items

The error you are getting is a .NET error in the CopyTo() method, that tries to copy a closed stream. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be easier to use the IContentResult stream object directly inside ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
4 votes

How to update Component link -> embedded Component field value using TOM.NET Event System

I too wasn't able to update the embedded Component field using ItemFields class; however, I was able to update it by XML node manipulation. Something like this should definitely work: var xDocument =...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
4 votes

How to check publishing or rendering context using TOM.NET in the new publishing framework

If all is well, the same logic can still be used; the new publishing franework uses Topology Manager Mappings instead of Publication Targets, but you will find that there is still a PublicationTarget ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

UsingItemsFilter not filtering result for publication context

Since you seem to be interested in classified Components: did you consider using Keyword.GetClassifiedItems ?
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

How to get all components of a bundle using TOM .NET

A bundle is an OrganizationalItem just like a folder or a structure group. You can get the items in the bundle with the GetListItems() method. If you only want to get components, you can use a filter ...
Quirijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Differentiating Original and "Publish in all child" transactions in Events System

After long investigation, I have found that it is not possible to differentiate them. The resolving is done pre-transaction-create. Also, there in the transaction object, there is no property saying ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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3 votes

UsingItemsFilter not filtering result for publication context

Did you try InRepository. UsingItemsFilter = new UsingItemsFilter(pub.Session) { ItemTypes = new[] { ItemType.Component }, IncludedVersions = VersionCondition.OnlyLatestVersions, ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
3 votes

TOM.NET API - create Session in custom Translation Manager event handler

I've read somewhere (on multiple occasions) that when in TOM.NET you should never initiate the Session object on your own, rather you should reuse the existing one. For example in Templating this is ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

PublishEngine.IsPublished() so slow

Are you running the recommended regular database maintenance on your databases? This could indeed help.
Chris Morgan's user avatar
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PublishTransaction save event not recording all publish states

We were able to narrow down the issue to the fact that not all publishing happens in a single server. The templating logs that normally gets logged in Event Viewer when a single page is published is ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
2 votes

PublishTransaction save event not recording all publish states

I think Raimond's comment is spot on, when creating an event handler, you have to be aware that this can be called by multiple threads and simply trying to write to a file without proper locking will ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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2 votes

Can we Publish component(minor version content) to broker db using TOM.Net API?

There is also Product landing page which uses API to publish all the products component as json Assuming you are using a standard publish instruction in TOM.NET, you can ask the publisher to "...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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2 votes

Slightly confused over dynamic version

But why would you want to retrieve such a version in the first place? What would be your use case? If an item is checked out, you can still read the item with its "versionless" uri and you will get it ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

Generate Sitemap XML

Since, you are using DXA, I will say the approach of generating the sitemap might not makes sense (unless there are other fine prints which we are not aware about). The correct approach could be ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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2 votes

How to validate using TOM.NET if a Component is present in a specific parent Publication

You can use IsExistingObject to verify if the object exists, this google search shows some examples of using it: Something along these ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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2 votes

Reading Tridion Items During Event System Extension Initialization

Instead of trying to do it in the constructor, I suggest using a Lazy<T> property to ensure that this configuration is only loaded once.
Peter Kjaer's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get all components of a bundle using TOM .NET

Besides all Q mentioned, you don't even need to use filter. Bundle has all IDs in source: <Bundle xmlns=""> <Items xmlns="...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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1 vote

How to validate using TOM.NET if a Component is present in a specific parent Publication

It depends what you need, if indeed to check whether an item exists, then it's Nuno's answer. Otherwise... I need to validate the presence of the Component in it's top Parent Publication You have a ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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1 vote

Get MIME Type of Multimedia Types based on file extension using TOM.NET (.NET Templating)

Final I got solution MimeType based on file extension and code below. > // @ExternalUrlTridionFields - Tridion ExternalUrl Field Name // > Engine engine string FileExtension = string.Empty; ...
Sudhakar Rao's user avatar
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1 vote

Translation Manager .NET API v2 - Session use in event code causes EventSystem.DeliverEvent exception

You are disposing session after you use it. That what cause confusion in CM event system. Usually we always need to dispose Session after use. But in this case, you did not created this Session, you ...
Yuri Bondarchuk's user avatar
1 vote

Retrieve page or pages that contain certain component on the component presentation list

What have you tried so far? I'm asking because this question is a "do my homework instead of me" type, so there is little chance that someone will write your code instead of you. Best we can do is ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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1 vote

Retrieve page or pages that contain certain component on the component presentation list

I’m a bit confused by your comment “this is going to be on a TBB and run at the runtime. This code won’t run at the rendering time.” In general, TBB code runs at rendering time. And the reason why ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Multiple template classes in assembly have the same TcmTemplateTitle attribute - TcmUploadAssembly.exe

When you upload a .NET Assembly into Tridion (at least in 2011!), you specify a target folder, e.g. TcmUploadAssembly /folder:tcm:14-60-2 MyConfig.xml MyDll.dll If you look in that folder, in our ...
Dave Forber's user avatar
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1 vote

Event System is unable to retrieve latest/updated information due to improper caching or session management?

If you are in a single CM environment, then all your events will always occur on that single environment. In a scale-out, where the events occur depends on the design of your scale-out. If you have a ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar

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