After adding triggers in the SmartTarget Business Manager/Fredhopper trigger configuration I know I should reload the trigger configuration. We can do that by restarting the query server or loading some admin page. What is the URL to the admin page to reload triggers?

  • I should know, forgot and could not easily find it in the documentation. This Q&A should make it easier to find.
    – Jan H
    Commented Jan 15, 2014 at 8:41

1 Answer 1


We Can achieve this using the following option in the FH/ST server :


although, the person who taught me that, told me that we need to be very careful with that administration console, we can mess up the entire environment

Thanks Marc!

  • hi, We configure our trigger types in the Fredhopper and not the business manager. Would restarting the Fredhopper server will be a safer option than using the above URL? Commented Aug 14, 2015 at 7:09

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