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9 votes

Component's schema missing values using CoreService

In your screenshot, notice how the "Content" attribute is null. For each component, you need to call: ComponentData component = (ComponentData)coreServiceClient.Read( ...
Phil Medcraft's user avatar
8 votes

Not able to paste multiple components

The solution to this problem is to restart (or start) Tcm Batch Processor process. This process is in charge of executing batch jobs, like copying or deleting multiple items at once. If this error ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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7 votes

Not able to delete a Component of a test Schema

There are a number of reasons why you can't delete a Component, for example: it could be used by some other items, it is published, checked-out, the deletion is not attempted from the owning ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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5 votes

Schema Namespace UUID Issue New Components

The issue was with how I was creating the new components. When selecting a schema for a new component I was opening the schema dropdown and typing the letter "i" to get to the schema I wanted (...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
5 votes

Unable to show svg in Content Manager Explorer

Support for Scalable Vector Graphics was introduced in Tridion Sites 9.1:
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

Published page contains <tcdl:ComponentPresentation>

In your deployer Role, try updating the value to dotnet in following property <Property Name="" Value="dotnet" /> in the cd_deployer_conf.xml file Restart the deployer ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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4 votes

Can a CT be created to be only allowed in one PT?

Another option would be to use Event System on Page Save and interrupt the saving if the Page Template <-> Component Template combination is not allowed. You can throw an exception with a ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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3 votes

Setting up a custom deployer extension

To piggyback on Saurabh's answer, a storage extension would be a better choice for your use case. A storage extension would better handle storing published items to any storage medium besides the ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
3 votes

Get rendered HTML for different Page versions along with correct Component and Template version

Your note indeed states it all, the Component Presentations on a Page are not versioned. When a Page is rendered for preview, the latest available version for that user is used. When a Page is ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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3 votes

Not able to delete a Component of a test Schema

There's a bit Tridion does behind-the-scenes with versions, "ownership," and workflow. It's seamless without workflow, makes sense with workflow, but may seem complicated when you have both in an ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
  • 12.8k
3 votes

Access Management account error

The warning message is quite explicit, isn't it? :-) Account '[email protected]' is impersonated by name. This may be an Access Management account and group mappings will not be taken into account. ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Not able to delete a Component of a test Schema

You cannot delete an item if: The item is localized in a Child Publication The item is published The item is in Workflow The item is checked out The item is not a local item (that is, the item is a ...
Sudhakar Rao's user avatar
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2 votes

XSLT Filtering to Prevent Self-Closing Tag in Rich Text Editor

You should check the Schema RTF field, it usually has a XSLT fillter tab. This fillter uses <xsl:copy> which I have found leaves behind self closing tags. The portion of the xslt that does this ...
Kunle Daramola's user avatar
2 votes

XSLT Filtering to Prevent Self-Closing Tag in Rich Text Editor

There are 2 ways I can think of that you can tackle this issue: Update Tidy to parse <iframe> tag as block tag. For this I suggest you check Nikoli's blog. create HTML parser (some sort of C# ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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2 votes

Create multimedia component using Tridion Web 8 core Service

Increase buffer size limit in TcmServiceHost.exe.config, you need to add a maxBufferSize parameter (it is set to 500KB here): <binding name="StreamUpload_netTcpBinding" maxBufferSize="524288" ...
Rameshponna's user avatar
2 votes

DD4T.ContentModel.Component does NOT include URI

Both versions of that URI are valid. The item type part of a TCM URI is optional for Components. The default behavior is not to include it when the URI is for a Component (so tcm:163-193997 would be ...
Peter Kjaer's user avatar
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2 votes

Not able to save the SDL Tridion component with Greek Content having 31 pages from MS word document

I remember seeing something similar waaaay back in Tridion 2009. There the solution was to increase the height of the RTF field. I kid you not :). It's worth a shot.
Atila Sos's user avatar
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2 votes

C# how to add values in ItemFields inside EmbeddedSchemaField of a STUB component

EmbeddedSchemaField.Values is a collection of ItemFields objects (one for each value). If you have an optional embedded field, it will initially not have any values, so indeed EmbeddedSchemaField....
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
2 votes

Can a CT be created to be only allowed in one PT?

There is no "out-of-the-box" to do this restriction - it may be coming with Region support in Tridion Sites 9, as I understand you can add restrictions like this to a region. For now, the only way ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
  • 29.1k
2 votes

Setting up a custom deployer extension

Welcome to the community. Please read the official SDL documentation to set up a deployed extension here. Also, there is this cool blog by @hemkant explaining step by step to set up a deployed ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
2 votes

Restrict publishing of Linked component within Parent Component using C# Template

OK, so here is the catch. You are working with dynamic components. Just like your main component is rendered separately from the page it is in, the same applies to your linked components. Your linked ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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2 votes

validate Component Template selection on Page Saving

There's an example of that in this blogpost: The code in there is for a Component save, but should be very simple to ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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1 vote

Setting up a custom deployer extension

Instead of focussing on which database you want, maybe you should read about the tridion content delivery microservices. The content delivery api supports an mvc model sevice and graphql.
Chris Mills's user avatar
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1 vote

Not able to paste multiple components

I remember this being a known issue when you try to perform a batch operation by selecting multiple components and perform action like copy/paste, delete, publishing etc. There has been a Hotfix for ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a CT be created to be only allowed in one PT?

A possible workaround would be to put the new Component Template into a different folder than your other 'editorial' Component Templates and then control the security permissions on that folder. This ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
1 vote

Url of image component

Many thanks for all of your support.This issue is finally resolved and here is a reference for anybody who will be facing this issue in the future. The image component was using two Component ...
Bhawna Jain's user avatar
1 vote

Loading page components in parallel

As Shiva explained in his answer, OOTB this is not possible. But you can extend DXA solution to serve your solution. DXA provides a good set of extension points including creation of custom model ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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1 vote

Loading page components in parallel

DXA 1.8 is still a MVC application and the default model builder (here) loads all the regions and entities included in the page model, provided you are using embedded component presentations. You can ...
Shiva's user avatar
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1 vote

BUG: CME RT Editor causes the browser to become unresponsive

Changing the RTFs to standard text fields and the issue goes away.
Andy Blyth's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to preview component when title is modified and not saved

Please update your question with detailed error. Also ensure that you'r previewing in the right publication. Also check does your component have any external items like images from other systems.
k951's user avatar
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