Tridion:ComponentPresentation embeded in the page - SDL web 8.5
I was able to fix the problem making this change on tcdl-conf.xml
Old value:
<Property Name="tcdl.target.language" Value="dotnet"/>
New value (this fixed the problem)
<Property Name="tcdl....
DXA 2.0 API to Retrieve DCPs as Entity Models in a REST API
ContentProvider getEntityModel developed to work with MVC data. So it require registering view model. You can use dummy view to register your model.
In case you need full data which is returned by ...
Published page contains <tcdl:ComponentPresentation>
In your deployer Role, try updating the value to dotnet in following property
<Property Name="tcdl.target.language" Value="dotnet" /> in the cd_deployer_conf.xml file
Restart the deployer ...
DXA 2.0 API to Retrieve DCPs as Entity Models in a REST API
I got this to work following Mukesh's suggestion. I updated the Component Template with a dummy Entity View Name 'Promo' as shown below.
In the SpringInitializer in the custom DXA module having the ...
Get ComponentPresentations of an Array of ComponentURIs
See my previous answer to this question https://tridion.stackexchange.com/a/15795/25 from a few weeks ago, which is suspiciously similar. There are no methods in the API to retrieve multiple ...
DD4T.ContentModel.Component does NOT include URI
Both versions of that URI are valid.
The item type part of a TCM URI is optional for Components. The default behavior is not to include it when the URI is for a Component (so tcm:163-193997 would be ...
How to execute ascx in Tridion Site 9.1 (Migrating from Tridion 2011)
I finally did it a little bit the ugly way by still publishing the ascx to file system like on the Tridion 2011 install.
I have replaced the ComponentPresentationAssembler code that was trying to load ...
How to execute ascx in Tridion Site 9.1 (Migrating from Tridion 2011)
Yes, in Tridion 9.1 we can still publish items to the file system.
In the cd_storage_conf.xml where the Discovery Service is installed, add the <Storage> element to publish files to the file ...
DXA 2.0 API to Retrieve DCPs as Entity Models in a REST API
I had a similar issue in DXA 2.2.9 .NET and followed the @Mukesh answer and did update the Component Template (DCP) with a dummy Entity View Name and registered in the web app module. Even after this ...
Efficient approach to get Component Presentation objects as array of JSON objects in Java (non-MVC)
Why do you say that the ComponentPresentationFactory is not good enough, what difficulty did you encounter? I'm guessing the "conditions" part, so my answer will be towards that.
To achieve what you ...
DD4T 2.0 RenderComponentPresentationsByView is not returning output
I've found the issues with the DD4T 2.x Core. It happens when using Dynamic Component Presentations. The 1.x Templates don't render Component Template data for the Dynamic Component Presentations, ...
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