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4 votes

Getting the below error while Publishing the item in Tridion Web 8.5

I guess your template uses the Dreamweaver Get Extension, which is not installed on your system. See
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
4 votes

2 DWT Tridion 2013 questions

DWT is not that powerfull to read fields from linked components out of the box. You can check SDL AppStore to see i there is some templating (dwt) extensions that can read fields from linked ...
Stefan Klasnic's user avatar
3 votes

How to display the component only once?

Actually, there is easier way. We had similar issue and we did it by specifying exact tcmid of component and template in RenderComponentPresentation function as: @@RenderComponentPresentation("${...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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3 votes

How to display the component only once?

If you want to do it in DWT, You can use TemplateRepeatIndex variable for that, It is actually a 0 based Index. So inside the loop 0 would be your first component and 1 would the second one. Try ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
3 votes

How to display the component only once?

Currently your template is simply looping over all of the ComponentPresentations in the page (or more accurately, the list of ComponentPresentations call "Components". Typically you would develop a ....
David Forster's user avatar
2 votes

How to handle custom anchors in DWT?

You seem to have covered most of what's needed. The first point I'd make is that the correct approach will be very much governed by your circumstances. So for example, Will's example where he shows ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
2 votes

Render component template from link to component field [tridion 2009]

Here is my suggestion. You can via C# code extract your linked component B. Then you can check all templates it can be rendered with and push tcm of selected one into package. Then you can render all ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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2 votes

How to download DGX from SDL AppStore?

I've reported your issue to the appstore website owner and they will look at it as soon as possible, I'll keep you posted on the progress (once it works again I'll update my answer). update The file ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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2 votes

2 DWT Tridion 2013 questions

You can read fields from linked components in DWT. You need to programmatically using C# fragment read component, push it into package and then use @@Get("Summary.Fields.Article")@@ to read it.
user2882's user avatar
1 vote

2 DWT Tridion 2013 questions

I managed with the DGX to find the solution: @@Get("Summary.Fields.Article")@@ Now the second problem of the target groups is still hanging...
Herman Desmet's user avatar
1 vote

Experience Manager fields of Component Link type are not editable in SDL Web 8.5

Looking at the HTML output, I think you took it directly from the CMS, since it still contains tcdl:ComponentPresentation tags, which would not be there on the actual web site (I assume). But this ...
Bart Koopman's user avatar
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1 vote

Get Keys based on Keyword value in DWT

Well, getting a key of a keyword (selected in a component field) in DWT is not straight forward. You would need to create a custom function to achieve this. If your templating solution allow, I'd say ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar

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