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3 votes

Issue with Restful api and jsp tags: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ComponentPresentationHandler

We figured out that it had to do with the way that WebSphere compiles .jsp files and stores them as byte code. From my understanding WebSphere does not store a reference to the include files in the ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
2 votes

Rest content manager API configuration

i found the issue. we disabled the automatic user creation because of that I was getting "access denied" error.
Tridion New User's user avatar
1 vote

Efficient approach to get Component Presentation objects as array of JSON objects in Java (non-MVC)

Why do you say that the ComponentPresentationFactory is not good enough, what difficulty did you encounter? I'm guessing the "conditions" part, so my answer will be towards that. To achieve what you ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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