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7 votes
3 answers

No more threads can be created in the system

I am seeing a lot of error in the event viewer of a publisher box. Could anyone help me out? Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {9926D1CF- F158-418F-A9A2-B653B497D982} ...
fitnet's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Retrieving PublicationTarget in Event System Tridion 2011 SP1 HR1

I am working on Event System code and am trying to retrieve the PublicationTarget(s) for the current item being published. The PublishEventArgs has a property called Targets which you would think is a ...
TridionNut's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

CWA migration 1.5.04 to CWA 2011

Today we are using CWA 1.5.04 (with TDF 1.4.03). We've planned to move to CWA 2011. After having updated jar files according to the documentation, we are facing some compilation errors, especially ...
Sébastien PRAT's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Getting a database error when publishing a DCP

I have been trying to publish a Dynamic Component Presentation but for some reason it keeps on failing with the following error: A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "...
Kunal's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Reference for cd_deployer_conf.xml & cd_storage_conf.xml config files

Where can I find a complete reference for cd_deployer_conf.xml & cd_storage_conf.xml config files ? I see the notes in the files & snippets of info on, but I was hoping ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Search on field in Content Manager

I'm using the Core Service client in Tridion 2011SP to do a search for components with a certain schema. I managed to filter out all components that have a certain value in a single line value field....
Kah Tang's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How do I determine if a Component is Published based on the current TargetType

I'm using Component.IsPublishedInContext to determine if the Component is published but the value returns true irrespective of the current TargetType where the Component is being published to. ...
Kunal's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Issue with SDL Tridion's search functionality

I am using SDL Tridion 2011 SP1, and facing issue in Tridion's Search Functionality. When I try to use Advance Search in Content Manager Explorer for certain criteria (like Date Modified and Author), ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to add a Service Reference to the Core Service without using Tridion.CoreService.Client.dll?

In Tridion 2011 SP1 you could add a Service Reference to CoreService.svc without using the DLL. Is this still possible? It seems that CoreService2010, CoreService2011 and CoreService2012 won't allow ...
Rob Stevenson-Leggett's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Access Denied error when restarting Publisher Service

I have had to reinstall Tridion 2011 from scratch. I followed the official instructions on how to configure users permissions but am getting an error in the when the publisher service starts. <...
Kevin Brydon's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Publication Target won't delete because it's in use

I am trying to delete a couple of publication targets but am getting a warning saying This item is in use. The location of my publication targets no longer exist so unpublishing using the target fails....
Kevin Brydon's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

2011 Event system Component.Move - component not moved

I'm trying to move a component using Tridion 2011 Event system. First I tried to do this using SaveEventArgs in phase processed: EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, SaveEventArgs>(CompSavePost, ...
Reinder Wit's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Not able to see the contacts registered through the website in required address book in CMS

When I am trying to add a new user through website, It succesfully update the SubMgmt database (CDA). Also contact syncronization service is running and it successfully insert the same entry in ...
user368's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to control placement of a JSP ComponentPresentation after execution by ComponentPresentationAssembler.getContent()?

The Content Delivery API documentation states that the getContent() method of the com.tridion.dynamiccontent.ComponentPresentationAssembler class returns an empty string after executing a JSP ...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How can I automate publishing?

I have some familiarity using Core Services. I am wondering if I can use this (or another feature) to batch a publishing routine. I frequently publish 2 pages from 2 different sites and I find it ...
MADCookie's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Define a XML Multimedia Type

Is it possible to define a Multimedia Type of type "XML"? When I try to define such a multimedia Type, it gives an error: It is not possible to use file extension 'xml': it is reserved by the ...
Raúl Escudero's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I, in a C# TBB, convert a TCM ID to a link?

I have a C# TBB which takes a component, and should be pushing a link into the package stack. If the component is a publication, and it references a multimedia component, the link should be a link to ...
George's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Unable to "Finish Editing" in Experience Manager

I'm having trouble with a new Experience Manager setup, I've got the page and component templates configured and am able to enter Experience Manager, insert a piece of content onto the page and the ...
James Simm's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Duplicate "Published to" Entries

When looking at "Where used" and "Published to" for an item, we are seeing duplicate entries for the same Target. We are not able to remove the duplicates. When unpublishing, these duplicate entries ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Tridion GUI not fully loading in Chrome, IE

I have a client who is reporting that Tridion 2011 SP1 is not fully loading for him. The left panel loads and the ribbon fully loads, but never the center pane. In another environment, he had this ...
paceaux's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Resolve a component link in a Razor TBB

Is there a way to resolve a component link based on a tcm without it beign between src="" or href="" ? I mean, I have the TCM and I need to put the link in between a because is a RSS Feed but I don'...
Wallack's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Configure WebDAV on the server?

Does anyone have a list of steps to follow for configuring WebDAV on a server? When I try to connect from explorer on a Win 7 PC I get a "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid..." ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Updating component field while publishing does not publish the latest version of component

We are using Tridion 2011 SP1. When a component is being published we are updating a metadata field of component in our component template. The code which updates the component metadata field is ...
user1453602's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

DD4T - how to retrieve/use publication-depending values

in the webform era, we implemented (mostly) the following structure: one .NET application (and a corresponding app pool) for all local websites in the root of the app, we had a global web.config (...
Kristof Camps's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tridion Core Service endpoint

I'm using the Core Service Client to get a list of keywords by a given category. However when viewing the page I get the following error: Could not find default endpoint element that references ...
Ibrar Hussain's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Publisher not picking up template changes

I had a problem with the Default Finish Actions TBB containing the wrong namespace for some of the Parameter Schemas it referenced (but didn't use). This was causing the publishing of items (Pages ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Is there a tool to add multiple images to Tridion?

Adding template images (e.g. referenced in the css) into Tridion one by one is time consuming. I there a tool that will upload multiple images at once?
Fran Hoey's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Modify the WYSIWYG editor

When using the WYSIWYG editor there a <p> tags created on certain places. We want to create a list <li></li> but the styling defines it in a specific way while the Tridion WYSIWYG ...
Complexity's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Migrating Event System from 5.3 to 2011 SP1

We are currently in the process of upgrading from Tridion R5.3 SP1 to Tridion 2011 SP1. One of the parts to upgrade is the event system which we will also be migrating from VB to .NET (C#). ...
Kristof Camps's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Mixing Workflow with Experience Manager (Session Preview)

Has anybody worked together with the Session Preview of Experience Manager and workflow? I think there is a problem of saving automatically the modified components in the experience manager whenever ...
Raúl Escudero's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Determining the version of Razor Mediator installed

I am setting up a new SDL Tridion environment and need to install the Razor Mediator (on both the Content Manager and Publisher servers). I want to make sure that the environment that I am setting up ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Tridion 2011 SP1 HTTPS Publishing throwing 'Post size exceeded allowed limits'

I'm currently republishing a site that's been migrated from 5.2 to 2011 SP1 HR1. The main change is that we're now using HTTPS publishing. However, this has now raised an issue whereby some pages ...
Mike Percival's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Tridion 2011 event system - DCP

We're trying to catch the event when a DCP publishing action was committed successfully. In the subscribe we have the following line of code: _eventSubscriptions.Add(EventSystem.Subscribe<...
Kristof Camps's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to default to 'main view' of the SDL Tridion 2011 CME instead of the dashboard?

SDL Tridion 2011 introduced the new dashboard (or control panel) in the CME. Under User Preferences > View Settings on that page, it is possible for a user to change their start-up view to load the ...
Chris Summers's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Core Service client in PowerShell

I am trying Andrey's way to create a Core Service client in Powershell and having this issue. I recreate the example on my Windows 7 machine. So far I learned I have run PowerShell ISE as root and ...
Jan H's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Locating a dependent Hotfix (80451) [closed]

We are currently applying hotfixes to a new build of SDL Tridion 2011 SP1+HR1 and have come across Hotfix CME_2011.1.1.83722 This hotfix fixes problem: Unpublishing a page shows also shows the that ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Search in multiple folders via core service?

The code snippet below successfully returns a list of items that have changed recently. Is there a way to include multiple search folders or do I need to do separate searches for that? ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Tridion Experience Manager & Static Implementation

We have installed Tridion Experience Manager 2012. We will implement it for our dynamic web sites (based on Tridion CWA framework) but we are also investigating to use it in relation with our E-...
Sébastien PRAT's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 - Javascript errors in Firefox 19.0

I have recently installed the SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 CME and can successfully load and browse the content manager in IE8/9 without issues. However, in Firefox version 19.0 I can see no items in the ...
Jonathan Primmer's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Logback.xml - limit the size of files

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way limit the size of log files within the logback.xml configuration file. I've reviewed the SDL documentation, which points me to the official documentation (...
johnwinter's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

PublishTransactions Filter by PublishTransactionState Renders no results

I am working on some event system code and I have the following snippet of code to examine the PublishQueue and see if the current item I am scheduling is already scheduled: public static bool ...
TridionNut's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I return extra columns (like ItemType & WebDAV Folder) when using GetSearchResults() for an IdentifiableObject

I used the code sample below to return a list of recently-modified items from the Core Service. GetSearchResults() returns an array of IdentifiableObjectData's. Can I include extra columns in the ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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10 votes
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In a custom resolver, how can I determine that the current resolve was triggered by publishing to children in a parent publication?

In a custom resolver, I wish to modify the resolving behaviour only if the item is being published from a parent publication. IResolver.Resolve() has various parameters which may be useful (but maybe ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

GUI Extension - Unable to populate item using minor version

How to populate an item using minor version? Am using the below code snippet. var item = $models.getItem('tcm:222-7244-64-v1'); - Works fine. var item = $models.getItem('tcm:222-7244-64-v1.3'); - ...
Jaison Prabhu Doss's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

During GUI Extension development, what are the likely causes of a blank user interface with a grey bar

When working on a GUI extension, it is very easy to break the GUI, so that the normal contents of the dashboard don't show up on start up. Instead, you get a Grey box (the NavigationHeader div) ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Extending Tridion Experience Manager

We are looking for some examples / explanation on how to extend Experience Manager We want to add a layer / popup window that shows webanalytics data of that page/component, similar to the (show ...
Roel van Roozendaal's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Cannot insert the value NULL into column error

We keep getting the below error repeatedly in the production environment of our application. Error: No data found. [ETA_ITEMS, U] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ITEM_ID', table '...
Keirthana's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Content Comparision after Migrating from 5.3 to 2011sp1

We have around 5K pages in tridion, after upgrading from 5.3 to 2011sp1, Due to some business reason we are not upgrading the broker db, fresh publishing will happen to blank 2011 broker db and ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to Allow Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate CME Drop-down Menus

I'm able to navigate some drop-down menus by typing the first letter of an option in SDL Tridion 2011. This seems to work for out-of-the-box options like Schema Type, Field Type, and anything that's ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

TDSE COM Error on getPublication

I'm in the process of upgrading a Tridion instance from 5.2 to 2011 SP1 HR1. Everything has gone smoothly in the upgrade - namespaces have been updated for the new Content Delivery dlls etc and ...
Mike Percival's user avatar