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Update Preview is not working with XPM and DXA

We setup Experience manager using the following guide with Tridion 2013 SP1 HR1 and DXA 1.2 (.NET) in the CD side. Most of it is working fine. Inline editing is working fine for pages and components. ...
Shiva's user avatar
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Add toggle button on ribbon bar through configuration

Is there possibility to set the button type, so it can have the same look as "Context Menu" button. Current component configuration looks the following way: <ext:ribbontoolbars> ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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Adding new website for Experience Manager previewing with session

At that moment we have already configured and working properly Experience Manager previewing with session ability (for desktop content). Recently, we've been asked to add one more website (mobile ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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Tridion 2013 & Experience Manager : could not connect to net.tcp://localhost:2660/CoreService/2013/netTcp

We have the following random error on one of our Tridion 2013 server (SP1 HR1) when using the Experience Manager : Could not connect to net.tcp://localhost:2660/CoreService/2013/netTcp. The ...
Sébastien PRAT's user avatar
3 votes
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Disable XPM for smartphone/tablet

We have Experience Manager (XPM) enabled on our staging site. This is intended behaviour. When accessing the staging site, it is trying to load Bootstrap.aspx via /WebUI/Editors/siteEdit/Views/...
Harald Greve's user avatar
1 vote
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Tridion 2013 Site Edit don't load css in the preview on chrome

The problem is only with Chrome (at least with the 48.0.2564.116 m version). We have "secure" content (SSL with particular certificate), and with Edge and Firefox after accept the risks and adding a ...
Eduardo Andrés's user avatar
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Tridion Custom metadata for datetime mandatory field is updating as null during siteedit

I have an article schema which have two metadata fields- 1. Published_date | field type - Datetime (mandatory) 2. tags | field type - Text whenever content editor edit/update ...
swati sundar's user avatar
14 votes
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Device Preview has Incorrect Device Sizes by Default

While testing out Device Preview (formerly Tridion Device Emulator), I found out that most if not all of the default device sizes are incorrect. Some are off by 40% or more. For example in Device ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
0 votes
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Experience Manager not working for Smart Target

I am fetching my promotions through API and rendering on DD4T page. In Experience manager my promotion is not showing as editable when it is taking some time to get the promotion markup. It is not ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Site edit issue for a component presentation

I have a DD4T website in Tridion 2013 where Site edit is also functional. I am facing issue with getting the lock symbol for a component presentation added in couple of pages hence not able to edit ...
manish's user avatar
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2 votes
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Experience Manager with DD4T

We are using Tridion 2013 and DD4T-JAVA(spring MVC). Business requirement is to use Experience manger(XPM). Can we use DD4T Version 2.0.1 or only 2.0.2 is supported or recommended. Please share views ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

RTF rewriting <iframe> tags to be self closing

This may be vague, but I am searching around to find out if there are any known discrepancies using Experience Manager with SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 and <iframe> within the tags (or fields as they ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Session preview returns error: invallid null link

When updating the preview (either by clicking on 'Update Preview' or by saving changes) I get the following error: In the console of chrome I see the following error I checked the file system and ...
Peter van der Lugt's user avatar
3 votes
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Special Character gets encoded while editing in XPM [duplicate]

If we add any special character like "å ä ö å ä ö å ä ö" anywhere on site then those character displays as it is but if we are try to do editing in XPM and select any field or paragraph in XPM mode ...
Nash's user avatar
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I'm not able to edit link using experience manager

I'm not able to edit ${} which creates anchor tag in the browser output using Experience Manager (xpm). Rest text or label is editable using xpm. I have integrated my UI design in views (...
Chandrakant Shelar's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a supported way to trigger Experience Manager to re-index a page using JavaScript?

I am looking for a supported way to cause the XPM indexing function to reload part of a page (or the whole page) without actually causing a full browser page load or refresh. The reason I ask is (you ...
Josh Einhorn's user avatar
0 votes
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Experience Manager configuration issue. StorageTransactionId is getting appeneded to page url

I am using SDL Tridion 2013 SP1, dd4t java and I have configured experience manager on my test environment. When I click on finish editing in experience manager, I am getting below error message. ...
Shailesh's user avatar
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Inline editing of override image through XPM

I have to edit two Images through XPM but when I try do the editing I am not able to edit one Image. I am using the code written below in DWT. <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="Component.Fields....
Mayank Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
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Adding syntax highlighter in experience manager RTF

Is it possible to add a syntax highlighter in Tridion rich text box format so that user can convert some specific lines of code in nicely wrapped syntax using experience manager. I am looking for ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
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Do Bundle Links in Experience Manager open webpages by default?

On one of our training setups (Electridion on SDL Tridion 2013), clicking on Pages in the Bundle workflow list opens a new browser tab to the corresponding webpage in Staging. Clicking on Pages in a ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Can we edit existing hyperlinks (internal or external) in Experience Manager?

Can links be updated in XPM? I would want to edit existing internal and external links while in XPM mode. Is this possible? If yes, can you please post the required procedure too? Thanks in advance!...
Shruti Seth's user avatar
4 votes
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XPM "Update Preview" not working

I am struggling to get XPM preview to work in Tridion 2013, and I am not sure which steps to take exactly to solve this issue. I can open the Staging website pages in the CMS context (frame). I can ...
Para Jaco's user avatar
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6 votes
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Set min and max value for multivalue, and at same time XPM also able to add/remove value

I have a component link multivalued field in a schema for which I have set minoccurs as 1 and maxoccurs as 3. But when I set the min and max occurrences of field, I am not able to add/remove the field ...
Nash's user avatar
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Tridion 2013 SP1 Experience Manager Create New Page gets 404

i am getting 404 when creating new page on Tridion 2013 SP1 experience manager, when i check the publishing queue, the page is rendering... after the queue says published, i refresh the experience ...
Lucas Liu's user avatar
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Experience manager temporary files

How can I configure (root) folder where XPM temporary files are created during page editing (when CP's are added/removed/reordered)? I thought XPM was using cd_storage_conf.xml, but it is placing ...
user3760419's user avatar
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Permissions needed to edit content in XPM?

What permissions do I need do I need to grant a user for them to edit content in XPM? The user in question has a disabled "Finish Editing" button.
Mr Smith's user avatar
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The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_PREVIEW_SESSION_ITEMS_SESSIONS"

Given: trying to fix XPM in existing installation (means: configuring anew is not currently an option). Clicking [Update Session Preview] after considerable timeout gives an error notification in CME:...
esteewhy's user avatar
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Implement .NET Master page with XPM

I need to implement ASP master page along with XPM inline editing. Earlier I added "Enable inline editing for Page" TBB in Master page template and all pages refer to this master page. But in that ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
2 votes
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Experience Manager component presentation is not editable

Component presentation border on my page is showing it as non-editable. Content-Border is showing as gray. It was editable earlier. I have verified the html of page and found no change. Can anyone ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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How can we use Content type with DD4T experience manager implementation

I have created a content type and added it to a page. Content of that type is not showing to edit and insert content. Can anyone suggest how can I edit the content type created and inserted on a page? ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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3 answers

Component Presentation border is not highlighted

I am implementing Experience Manager with DD4T solution. Everything working fine except there is no border highlighted for Component content. It is highlighted for Page. Please suggest the probable ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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SDL Tridion 2013 Experience Manager using C# TBB

I see lot of reference to implement XPM (Xperience Manager) in DWT. But i would like to know that How to make this working in C# and DWT? Say for Ex: if my Final HTML will be like below: <P>...
Jey's user avatar
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What all changes required if we want to upgrade from siteedit 2009 sp3 to Experience manager [duplicate]

We are planning to upgrade from Tridion 2011 SP1 to Tridion 2013 SP1, currently we have SiteEdit 2009 SP3 implemented. We want to upgrade siteedit 2009 SP3 to Experience Manager. Our implementation: ...
k951's user avatar
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8 votes
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On an Experience Manager website the UI loads but the component is not editable

I am implementing experience manager on my DD4T Website. I am able to edit Page metadata content but not Component content in Experience Manager. Below is the HTML rendering on my page: <section ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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Experience Manager with DD4T not working

I am implementing experience manager on my DD4T website. I am using Albert solution to implement experience manager. Url whose steps I followed is Some how this ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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XPM inline editing of Multi-valued field inside a multi-valued embedded field

I have a schema with a multi-valued embedded field, which further have multi-valued text field. Need to loop through the embedded field first and then loop through the multi-valued text field - using ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
6 votes
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Inline editing for image in XPM

I am trying to edit an image field of a component through XPM but not able to get the desired options. Below is the screen shot I have taken all the steps described in this question : "How to change ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
4 votes
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Database exception on Session Broker database for Experience Manager on Tridion 2013 SP1

I'm having difficulties getting Experience Manager working on Tridion 2013 SP1. I have checked against the quick start documentation for Tridion and Experience manager, ensuring I've met each point. ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Issue in image background URL

In the HTML there is a div with background image as below: <div class='item' style="background-image: url('../dummydata/images/carousel-chef.jpg');'> I uploaded this image in Tridion, and ...
Navdeep's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a component mandatory on a page?

We have a requirement to have a component (exactly 1) mandatory on a page. Say, admin user has created a page and then no other user can edit-save that page without one of that component on that page....
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
2 votes
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Will SiteEdit 2009 SP3 work with Tridion 2013 SP1

We are planning to upgrade from Tridion 2011 SP1 to Tridion 2013 SP1, currently we have SiteEdit 2009 SP3 implemented. Currently considering project timelines we want to continue with current ...
K951's user avatar
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What is the version of experience manager and workflow in Tridion 2013 SP1

We can see different modules/products of SDL Tridion are having specific version associated with it. What is there version for Workflow and Experience Manager is in Tridion 2013 SP1?
user1453602's user avatar
3 votes
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XPM: Moving component presentations in a page

I am trying to move component presentations across a page using XPM, but I don’t completely understand the rules followed by XPM to move component presentations. Does it calculate the new place using ...
Inmaculada Palacios's user avatar
0 votes
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JavaScript library with Tridion & XPM [closed]

Since there are host of powerful client side JavaScript and CSS framework and libraries available for free, like JQuery, Angular JS, BackBone, Bootstrap, KnockOut, Medernizr, Node JS, is there any ...
Vinny's user avatar
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XPM choosing wrong deployer for publishing

We have a DD4T website in Tridion 2013, publication for which lists 2 deployer(one for dd4t and one non-dd4t). But Finish Editing is choosing the non DD4T deployer for publishing. Is it correct? I ...
user945's user avatar
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Experience Manager Image editing from External DAM system

I may sound vague in asking this question but I am using XPM and my tridion pages are referring images which are lying in an External DAM system (Not SDL Media Manager). Is it possible to change those ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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Inline editing of page metadata

We want our users to be able to link a component to the page metadata from XPM. Switching components is less user friendly in this case, so we are wondering whether it's possible to inline edit Page ...
MrSnowflake's user avatar
4 votes
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Understanding Experience Manager and dynamic content

Looking at implementing XPM for with our next 20103 SP1 - DD4T project and having zero experience with it I had a question regarding DCPs. In general, is XPM better suited to working with static ...
Neil's user avatar
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Rich Text in XPM 2013 SP1

I'm having some issues with Rich Text fields in XPM. When I add markup with html tags like <p> or div XPM seems to get confused. When I click on rich text field with those tags in it XPM ...
Nate Niemi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to tell if a request is coming from Experience Manager

I want to only render XPM Page/Region/CP/Field markup if the request for the page is coming from Experience Manager (so not when browsing the staging or live sites). Is there some way of using the ADF/...
Will Price's user avatar
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