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Chrome .NET Assembly Upload Issue

I am trying to upload a .NET Assembly (An External Activity for Workflow) in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 using the Tridion CME and Chrome Browser (Latest Version). When I try to upload the .NET Assembly, it ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Get the modified items in tridion based on selection of date

We are looking for a tool which will list all Tridion Items such as Publications, Folders, Structure Groups Schemas, Components, Component Templates, Pages, Categories and Keywords modified after ...
k951's user avatar
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0 votes
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Embedded schema dropdown list with a single keyword value not included in XML

I have a content schema that contains an embedded schema with a text field that is populated from a category: FooSchema | - heading (text field) - offers (embedded schema field) |...
Andy Wilson's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Which Element or CSS selector to use for custom CME logo?

In previous versions of SDL Tridion, you could add a logo to the Content Manager Explorer by updating the CSS (see my example on TridionDeveloper). Specifically, you could add a background-image to ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Publication Icons: Content vs Web

Is there a way to change out icons per publication, lets say for Content vs Web? Reason being, Content Authors could easily recognize the difference from a Content Publication and Web Publication at ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Adding Information to Component Failing, XPath, Node Type Error

Randomly today, trying to insert a schema or component into another component in cme is failing. A look at the console in Chrome shows the following errors when click event is fired from insert button:...
AnotherMike's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

WYSIWYG editor modification for inline link for rtf

I want to enable capture of additional information for inline links for the rtf. This additional information/attributes are standard html tags like is it new window or pop up for the target or window ...
Vipin Kothari's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get bundle metadata - Anguilla

Using XPath, how to get the required fields? my bundle XML is as below. <tcm:Metadata> <Metadata xmlns=""> <...
Pari's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Hiding SDL Tridion sub folder based on permissions

On a Content Publication - Is there anyway to hide the 'Default Templates' Folder and/or another sub-folder possibly called 'System' Folder under 'Building Blocks' from a folder permissions level? ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

2011 CME Database Connection Issue

OK we have recently migrated a client DEV machine from the our internal domain to the clients domain and the Tridion instance needed some re-configuration (to be expected) however I have now got the ...
mackie1908's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Shared Home Structure group has the wrong PublishPath which means items are deployed to the wrong place

I am a little baffled by this issue in a SDL Tridion 2011 SP1-2 environment. Pages from one publication are suddenly going to the wrong folder - /at/german/german instead of /at/german Looking at ...
Rob Stevenson-Leggett's user avatar
6 votes
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Why would .getTitle() in Anguilla sometimes not return a title?

Leaning rather heavily on Chris Morgan's WebdavURL bookmarklet, I set out to make one which would copy the human-readable path to an item (which might be preferred by non-techies in documentation) A ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
1 vote
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TCM User Access. 401 Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

This is pertaining to SDL Tridion 2013 SP1. We are not using LDAP, instead Active Directory. The userids are appearing in the Trustees table as well as correct privileges in the TCM Admin as System ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Tridion GateWay timeout errors while previewing navigation file

When i try to preview any navigation file which has many structuregroups in the publication , it results in gateway time our error. I have run a Fiddler trace and found that any response which is ...
Sam's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the field character limit in Audience Manager?

I've updated the value of the ImportSource of each contact in AudienceManager to use "Website-" but what I didn't realize is that the field has a character limit of 10 which prevents publications with ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to grant undo-checkout / check-in to a user who isn't a system admin?

Our client has requested that one of their user to be given the permission to undo check-in in components on their publication (09 and 05 level). Country specific country are created at the 05 level. ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Organizing CMS folders

Currently the multi-brand Tridion implementation I am working on has following folder structure in each publications 02 Global Publications Global Local Images 03 Brand Publications Global Local ...
Vinny's user avatar
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$models value in Anguilla retrieving as undefined on Chrome console for Tridion 2013 SP1 HR1

I'm trying to retrieve the webdav url of a component using Anguilla but i see the value to be retrieved as undefined. As suggested by Nuno i'm using var x = frames[0].$models.getItem(“tcm:1-123”) x....
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adding syntax highlighter in experience manager RTF

Is it possible to add a syntax highlighter in Tridion rich text box format so that user can convert some specific lines of code in nicely wrapped syntax using experience manager. I am looking for ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
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Open Tridion Publish Queue with Parameters

I built a Tridion Custom Page that has a link to open the Tridion Publish Queue with a URL like this, http://localhost/WebUI/Editors/CME/Views/Popups/PublishQueue/PublishQueue.aspx#popup=UID_314 Is ...
robrtc's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Append the publication name after every Page Title in SDL tridion

I need to implement a code that appends text to the published page's title. The appended text is different based on the publication that the page is published from, with the actual text to append (e....
Shruti Seth's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I manage multiple content contexts in Experience Manager?

This is a question I've always been asked but never really implemented a solution for it. The scenario is that I have multiple content publications (each division in the company creates content in ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
5 votes
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Browsers crashing after selecting the browse MM-Component popup

We recently encountered a very weird issue occurring with one specific editor account in the Tridion 2011 SP1 CME. After going into component view, and selecting the 'Add Multimedia' on the MM field, ...
MDa's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to add thumbnails in CME in SDL Tridion?

Is it possible to add thumbnails in CME in SDL Tridion so that the user gets an idea about the layout of the CT for the component he/she is going to add on the page? If it is,how to add them? Any help ...
Shruti Seth's user avatar
2 votes
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Grammar check module or extension in CME

Is there any Grammar-check module or Gui-Extension available? CME has only spell check option. One of our client asked for it. Has anybody integrated some third-party grammar check module?
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Calling the load method in Anguilla with a callback for Bookmarklet

I would like to use the .load() method in a Tridion Bookmarklet for the Schema Title here. However, it currently does not display the Schema Title the first time. It does work the 2nd time. I ...
robrtc's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to get the Anguilla $models object in Chrome console

I would like to use the $models object while hacking javascript in the Google Chrome Console . For example, I would like a 1 line sample of how to get the $models object and then be able to : $models....
robrtc's user avatar
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5 votes
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Selecting Dashboard Frame in Tridion Anguilla Javascript

I would like to select the frame hosting the 'Dashboard.aspx' page using the Tridion Anguilla JS framework. Chrome detects 3 frames (with the last being the dashboard) and Firefox detects 2 frames. ...
robrtc's user avatar
  • 10.2k
6 votes
2 answers

Catch 'Schedule Publish Phases Separately' event in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 GUI

I was wondering whether it is possible to know what publishing action an editor has chosen in the GUI. We are facing a requirement to check the date that is entered at the 'Place Content Online Later' ...
Henry Huurneman's user avatar
4 votes
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Concurrent Access to session warnings in Event Viewer when creating a page using XPM

I keep getting this huge list of warnings when creating a page using XPM. The errors all read: Concurrent access to Session object detected. Thread (xx) and (yy) trying to access same Session ...
Hendrik Beenker's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Automate item selection in Content Porter using Content Porter API

i have name,path and type column in my Excel sheet for content i have to create export.xml form the Excel sheet it might save my time for (item selection) in content i ...
Pankaj786's user avatar
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Creating Excel sheet for Content Porting(component for respective pages and its path's)

For content porting I am creating an Excel spreadsheet manually, but it is too time consuming. I am planning to develop an app which would give us a list of components and the respective path as per ...
Pankaj786's user avatar
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10 votes
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Creating a new Publication throws: Unable to save new item The transaction has aborted

This is a brand new installation of Tridion 2013 SP1 on WS12 with SQL 2012. The interface loads with no issue. I can add user favorites and create publication targets and target types. However, when I ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding Video Component to RichTextBox in CME

I am adding a video component to RTF from CME. I am performing the following steps: Click on the RTF and select Insert hyperlink from the ribbon bar after selecting component and browsing for the ...
vinod thakur's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a GUI extension the proper way to capture information from our SSO system?

My organisation have Single Sign On authentication service in place for all organisational applications. Whenever a user hits Tridion CME, they get authenticated automatically with this service and we ...
Joy's user avatar
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Can we model dependencies between lists of keywords in Tridion? [duplicate]

I have the requirement to fetch the all the keywords inside the keyword using some event over component. Say for example that I have one category called product pages. Inside this I have two ...
Gaurav Agarwal's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

How to Logout from CMS 2013 SP1 in IE 11 and Chrome 38

In Chrome and IE browsers, we want to login diff credentials as old credentials are not working and CME is not accessible. Could anyone please suggest how to logout from these browsers as I already ...
Nash's user avatar
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"This page can't be displayed error" in IE when logging on as non-admin

I have installed Tridion 2013 in a Virtual machine. Tridion GUI is accessible when I login in to the machine using Administrator account, but when logged in using normal user account (Windows user) ...
Selva's user avatar
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Bulk(more than 1 item) publishing is not working

Bulk publishing is not working on environment and get the below issue. “The number of render failure has exceeded its specified failure limit of 0” “Could not load file or assembly 'Tridion....
Nash's user avatar
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XPM and CME are not properly rendering on InternetExplorer 10 and 11 version

We are using SDL Trdion 2013 SP1 and when trying to edit content through XPM then CME is not rendering properly, for reference see the attached image. Thanks Nash
Nash's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to check that component is multimedia component in Tridion GUI extension?

I using next code to check that item is component: $models.getItemType(itemId) == $const.ItemType.COMPONENT It work fine for me, but I need to check that given component is multimedia component, the ...
beardeddev's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't get component schema title in Tridion GUI extension

I'm trying to get the shema title for the component using next javascript code: var component = $models.getItem(id); component.getSchema().getTitle() component.getSchema().getInfo().Title; the ...
beardeddev's user avatar
2 votes
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Remote Name Could not be resolved Error

I installed Tridion few months ago and given the wrong DNS name for the CME website which it included in the IIS host header. It was working fine earlier but now whenever I open the CME, it gives me ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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Rollback delete of Tridion item

I know I can use Version History to rollback a change to a Tridion item. What if I delete that item and then want to rollback the delete? Can I do that? If so how, since the item will be gone from ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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How to update password in SDL Tridion if SQL Server password is updated

I am not able to login into the Tridion 2013 sp1 as my SQL Server password is changed, even I updated the password in Tridion MMC but even then its not working. So please some one suggest/guide me ...
Nash's user avatar
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Do Tridion Keyword Keys Need to be Unique?

Could a client use the key value to sort or prioritize Keywords in a given Category?
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Can't move multi-value (embedded) fields in Tridion GUI

Strange thing has happened on out Tridion 2011 SP1 fresh installation (with HR2). We are not able to move multi-value (embedded) fields anymore inside the Tridion CME GUI. I checked out all the ...
Hendrik Beenker's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to save component when using this string: "() {}"

I'm using 2011 SP1 HR2 and just ran across this most strange error. When I have the following string in any simple text component field () {} - an open/close parenthesis followed by a space character ...
Haniel Pulido Jr's user avatar
0 votes
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Tridion 2013 SP1 CMS UI feature regression

We recently upgraded from Tridion 2011 to 2013 SP1. I remembering being able to see the error message for publishing/deployment failures in the publishing window (on Tridion 2011). For example "...
S. T.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Tridion 2013 SP1 Search Access Denied

We recently upgrade our DB for Tridion 2013 SP1. Before the DB switch search was working fine but now after the switch we can no longer perform a search. We get the following error. Unable to index ...
ToddB's user avatar
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