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Tridion sites10 CMS is not loading

I have installed Tridion access-management and CMS successfully, but CME is not at all loading.Keeps spinning from Authorization.aspx to authorize?client_id to signin-oidc. Authorization.aspx is ...
Gopala Krishna's user avatar
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Tridion Sites10 CME is not loading

I have installed Tridion access-management and CMS successfully, but CME is not at all loading.Keeps spinning from Authorization.aspx to authorize?client_id to signin-oidc. Can anyone please help on ...
user6574's user avatar
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Access published page id based on meta data component's content using graphQL / content service

In SDL Tridion, We would like to get published page IDs on the basis of metadata contents. Let's say the metadata of the page contains "Test" so we would like to fetch all the published page ...
Navneet's user avatar
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How to handle the change events in New UI (Experience space)

for CMS Custom functionalities,we can write custom Anguilla/JS code on relevant JS files for Classic UI. how to write same Custom Code logic in New UI? for example: * @param {Tridion.Core.Event} ...
Ajay's user avatar
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Ability to add folders to favorites in Content Manager Explorer (enhancement request)

feature (creating a folder that resides only under the Favorites shortcut, and when favoriting a folder or content item, sending the item to the favorites sub-folder instead of the favorites root ...
Kalyani's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I reset Component Metadata field every time when component is re-opened?

I have updated the logic to clear the field during display start event. Note: Updated my logic in readonly.js GUI extension if($display) { $evt.addEventHandler($display,start,ResetMetadataField) } ...
Tridion New User's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does Tridion report Chrome 100+ as "unsupported browser"?

Since the release of Chrome 100, Tridion is showing the error "SDL Tridion Sites has not been tested, and is not guaranteed to work, with the browser you are using". Why is that? I think ...
Quirijn's user avatar
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Metadata Design tab in Sites 9.5 and 9.6

In 9.5 and 9.6 it is now possible to use the Metadata Design tab of a page schema, instead of using an embedded metadata schema, for both XS and CME. A nice technical and business-oriented discussion ...
Terry Kim's user avatar
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1 answer

Extension of publish transaction details info

On our project we want to extend publish transaction details info in a way that you can see on the image below, in red frame: My question is, is it possible and if yes what we should extend to ...
Djordje Nedovic's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

An input field to allow an editor to select a Schema or Category

I'm designing a schema. I'd like to insert a select/dropdown, which lists all the schemas in the current publication. (Could be limited to public-content schemas I guess) I have the same question ...
wiiiiilllllll's user avatar
2 votes
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Workflow Activities Extensibility?

I'm reviewing the Workflow Activity screen with a customer and would like to confirm what's possible (Supported through a GUI extension). Can we add custom columns to the ones visible in the ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Intermittent issue with Compare Functionality

We are using classic UI of Tridion 9.5. We are often facing an issue with compare functionality while comparing versions of Tridion items. It throws an error as shown in the screenshot. Only when the ...
user1528297's user avatar
3 votes
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Target order in publish dialog

Is it possile to change the order of targets in Publish Dialog? We get Live first and then Staging. We just migrated from Tridion 2013 to SDL Web 8.5, and when we created Business Process Type, we got ...
Inmaculada Palacios's user avatar
3 votes
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Tridion 9.5 Richtext area <br> in source results in not saving the Component

When you switch to 'design tab' and press enter and go to the 'source tab' all <br/> are translated back to <br> and this seems to be invalid HTML and we are unable to save the Component. ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to show svg in Content Manager Explorer

I've uploaded several svg-s into Multimedia Components. When browsing the CME Folder containing those Components, the CME shows a default mm-icon instead of the content of the svg. Svg is defined as ...
Theo van Hulst's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Add new Region to existing Page Template

We have noticed an issue when a new Region has been added to the PT. I will try to describe the steps: Created Regions Schemas A, B, C Created Page schema with given Regions A, B, C Created Page ...
Ljiljana Eric's user avatar
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Web 8.5 GUI Extension: Need to execute either Save/ Localize/ Unlocalize command which triggers the GUI extension

I need to implement some logic before saving/localizing/unlocalizing a Component. The logic would be the same so I use a GUI extension where I mentioned all commands: <ext:commandextensions> &...
Suman Daripa's user avatar
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Tridion Sites 9.1 CME keep prompts for authentication hosted on Azure

We are using Tridion Sites 9.1 on windows azure virtual machine.CME is working fine on the server using the IP address(HTTP protocol) but when we access CME outside using the domain we keep getting ...
Abdul Qadir's user avatar
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Adding new coloumn to the CME list view - GUI Extensions

I have added a new approval status column using GUI extensions in 9.1 but it displays everywhere. Is there anyway to restrict only to Folders and Structure Groups? <ext:lists> <ext:...
Jagadeesh's user avatar
2 votes
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Complete Log/Trace information in Anguilla Framework / SDL Sites 9

Generally, If we do any changes in Component or Page. We can track in ViewHistory. But Is there a way we can get the complete log/trace for Every action being performed/ logged in CME with EventSystem ...
Tridion User's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to change Default Names in Page/Component?

I have a requirement to change the "File Name" in SDL Tridion Page. I have verified in CME Editors, it showing <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Tridion....
Tridion User's user avatar
4 votes
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Get selected text in Format Area

I want to get selected text in RTF using Anguilla. I cannot get it using pure JS because it is in an iframe. There is an option to use editor.getSelectedHTMLElement() to get selected HTML element, but ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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7 votes
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Supported ECL connectors for 8.5

Since Media Manager EOL is December 2020, my question is which ECL connectors are available and supported for 8.5? I know that Bynder is. Are there any others?
Marko Milic's user avatar
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SDL Web 8.5 GUI extension, Xml appears to trigger error in GUI

I have a similar "e is not a constructor" error Saurabh ran into but I'm not upgrading, my extension is new for this client. NB - I've turned minification off hence the above screenshot shows a ...
Neil's user avatar
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Issue referencing ECL Components

Recently developed ECL provider and was able to see the ECL Components in the mount point. But when trying to add ECL Components as multimedia links, cannot save or check-in the Components. Are we ...
Nash's user avatar
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Tridion Docs - Applying Custom Metadata Fields on a Particular Topic Type

I want to add custom metadata fields to a specific Topic Type "Task". I have added the custom metadata fields as described here. Since I don't want the metadata fields on other object types than ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to Restrict the Group Users to create new Keywords in child publications?

Category and keywords are created at parent publication, there itself we need to assign Write permissions to Author-Groups on Category. Now we don't want the same group to create new keywords in child ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
4 votes
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How are metadata fields translated?

I have a page with some metadata text fields that are marked as translatable. I cannot translate metadata separately because they are not components. I also cannot select if metadata will be sent to ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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6 votes
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Content Manager Explorer not loading in IE browser after adding UI Model extensions

I am using SDL Web 8.5 after adding a UI model extension in the System.config file located in %Tridion Home%\ Web\web\WebUI\WebRoot\Configuration\ The CM is unable to load in Internet Explorer version ...
Adeline Ishimwe's user avatar
2 votes
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How to show custom validation error message from Tridion Event Handler code in popup window instead of Message Center

I would like to show a custom validation error message from the Event Handler code in a popup window. My requirement is while saving binary Component; if the binary filename contains any special ...
Tridion New User's user avatar
9 votes
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Broadcasting Notification to message center not working

I am using SDL Web 8.5 and I want to broadcast a warning message to the user upon saving a component. I am using the event system to trigger the message on save. However, after setting everything up, ...
Adeline Ishimwe's user avatar
0 votes
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Blank space inserted at end of sentence

We need to limit the content in Tridion to 160 characters. We don't have a period at the end of the second sentence which puts our content at exactly 160 characters. However, Tridion is inserting a ...
Lorraine Webster's user avatar
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Updated Page content not showing

I am using Tridion for the first time, as I was requested to do some changes for a company. I have never used this before, so I logged into the "backoffice" and tried updating the content for a ...
Miguel Mesquita Alfaiate's user avatar
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Unable to enable the "View on Site" functionality in SDL Web 8.5

In our implementation, we are unable to enable the "View on Site" functionality in SDL Web 8.5. The option, whenever clicked for any page re-directs to a localhost path - http://localhost:8080/group/...
NewUser's user avatar
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Rich Text Box: Option to select multiple styles from drop down

I need to provide option to Editors to select multiple styles during content formatting in RTF. Is there any out of the box option available for selecting multiple classes for any element? In case ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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JavaScript running before Tridion GUI Resources are loaded

Another question from our Tridion GUI 8.5 upgrade. I have discovered that many of the problems we've been facing in this upgrade are because the Tridion Resources (<cc:tridionManager>) are not ...
sunamc1's user avatar
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Tridion GUI Custom Extensions Upgrade to 8.5 - replacing window.dialogArguments (unPublish)

We are upgrading our Tridion GUI, and we have some code that pops up a warning when you try to unpublish components that are in use. The old code is heavily reliant on window.dialogArguments ...
sunamc1's user avatar
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Unique topology mapping scenario for web application

I am moving from 2013 with DXA 1.2 to 8.5 with DXA 1.7 with Topology Manager based publishing. In my old application, following used to be my Url for LIVE and STAGING. https://mydomain:8080/LIVE/...
Shiva's user avatar
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Unable to save item (large mp4 file)

I am trying to create a Multimedia Component in SDL Web 8.5: Multimedia type: mp4 File size: 860 MB Uploading the file works fine, but while saving the item it gives the below error: Steps taken: ...
Jane Jenifer Dsouza's user avatar
5 votes
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How do CMS users see Publishing Targets?

CMS users while publishing can see two targets in our case: Staging and Live. How can we restrict users to publish only to Staging? Where are the settings to allow users to publish or view only ...
Arvind thiag's user avatar
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BUG: CME RT Editor causes the browser to become unresponsive

When using an embedded schema (multi) with 4 RTFs rendering the component in the CME with 80+ instances of the embedded schema field the browser becomes unresponsive and the tab/window needs to be ...
Andy Blyth's user avatar
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CME SDL WEB - Modify behaviour select item

A customer requested to modify the behaviour of the interface of the CMS. When you want to select an image to link it to another component using "Select Item" window, he wants to modify the default ...
Guskermitt's user avatar
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How can I add custom Publication Type

Can I add my custom Publication Types? How can I do it in Web 8.5? I searched in Administration, Core Service but can't find anything. Can anybody help me with this problem?
user2757's user avatar
5 votes
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Changing SDL TMS Configuration ID mid-use

Is it possible to change the SDL TMS Configuration ID for a source publication in Tridion "mid-use"? So whats the impact of sending a translation job whilst configured to Configuration ID "A", then ...
Neil's user avatar
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Prepopulate Page name with a default filename

We use SDL Web 8.5 Our filename is always index, so our client is asking to automate that. How we can prepopulate the filename when creating a Page?
tfinez's user avatar
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New created component is greyed out

I'm attempting to create a simple component in a DEV environment on an SDL Web Cloud (SDL Web Content Manager - Build 8.6.0, SDL Web Content Manager Explorer - Build, Update Version - 0, ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
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Event System in CME - Detect when a Component is linked to another

Is it possible to attach an event when a Component is linked to another in the CMS GUI? Which is the event?
Guskermitt's user avatar
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Component created through Anguilla Framework is blocked

Anybody knows what is the reason because a Component created through Anguilla Framework (with clone code) is blocked until I refresh the CME? This is my code: var componentCloned = $tcm.getItem("...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
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Is it possible to extent the existing RTF item (hyperlink) in web 8?

I am trying to extend the existing RTF item (Hyperlink) and wanted to add another attribute which should reflect in anchor source as a new attribute. For now, the hyperlink showing 4 fields (type,URL,...
Neeraj Joshi's user avatar
7 votes
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SDL Web 8.5 slowness with Safari

We are using SDL Web 8.5 and while it is working great so far, recently we have been receiving slowness issues when trying to Open/Save components and publishing. We further investigated the issue ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
  • 15.9k

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